Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Archalia's Turning

After the passing of a few weeks within the lands of gethsemane, Lady Archalia had been well looked after and in truth well imprisoned within the lands. Lord Treb had kept her locked within the tower during the light of day so that she could not slip away.  However with the passing of days it was clear her choice and what lead her unto gethsemane had been made and thus the following would take place after a simple direct order for her to follow him within the castle.

 Archalia slowly followed the Lord within the grand castle she again had seen from the distances.. She would let her soften gaze settle to those within the throne room. She stepped back as someone suddenly appeared near her as she then looked back to the gent whom stood up at the throne.. Her gaze almost dropped suddenly as she took a deep breath feeling her bodice tighten some..

 Řăźνăŋ Ŧęрęś Ďŕăčųŀ looks around, recognizing the faces of everyone in the Throne Room, he then gazes upon Archalia, little did she know she was minutes away from death "For The Night Is Dark And Full Of Terrors..."

 Řăźνăŋ Ŧęрęś Ďŕăčųŀ: "We thank you all for having found the time to join us tonight in a very special occasion... Not often we find ourselves in a pleasant time to introduce one more to the Lords Of Shadow... Our dear Summer Child on the back, please, come forth and join us"

 Ťŕēb Ѷąlśĥ Ďŕăčųŀ  Cold Surrounded him, His eyes still darkened as they had been outside. His Body stood as if a stone statue but within his insides shook as he controlled that rage, held it at bay until the time. He was hungry, His only thoughts to be of ripping her worthless mortal life from her. Thus he stood and awaited, a glance back to her to give the impression all was well as lord Razvan called her forth.

 Archalia heard the voice of the gent whom was standing before the throne as she reached up to caress upon her slender neck letting it trail slowly downwards... Her footing shifting as she would move slightly. She would then cast her gaze unto those within the room.. only seemingly taking a glance behind her as she heard the gents choice words wondering if it was her he was speaking .. Seeing no one behind her she inclined her gaze with a curtsy and stepped down the stone steps.

 Archalia moved forth hesitantly at first then recalled what the Lady had noted outside.. She moved up closer to present herself to the gent whom called. And curstied again.

  Άśŧŕą Űɱɓŕą Ďŕăčųŀ: *catching Archalia's eye for a moment smiles soft and reassuring.

 Řăźνăŋ Ŧęрęś Ďŕăčųŀ: "Dear Summer Child, you are now before the presence of the Lords of Shadow, we are of the Old Blood of Valyria, we are the Dragons of the world, we know the world and we have walked with it since its inception.... The world outside these walls belongs to us, everyone else just exist in it.... Lord Treb Valsh Dracul has brought you before us for one purpose and one purpose only... Dear Summer Child, do you know what purpose is this?"

 Archalia would trail her gaze to the Lady she met outside then slowly trailed her gaze unto the other Lady before her as she blinked a bit. .then suddenly looked forth to the gent speaking to her as he showed much control and power... in hearing the Lord whom brought unto the castle this eve she glanced over her shoulder .. seeing that his facade was very much different then the first time she had come upon him. She returned her gaze to the Lord before as she inclined her sensual gaze to him."I do Sir, I have come to realize the tales I heard as a child are very much real and thrive here in this very room.. that such darkness and sweet desires shall soon come forth and hopefully welcome me fully as I have nothing as my life is now.. so I seek to venture unto the darkness of the shadows and welcome it fully if it shall be granted."

 Archalia lowered her gaze slightly seeing him step forth but then she did slowly trail her gaze up to attempt to meet his full on.

 Řăźνăŋ Ŧęрęś Ďŕăčųŀ descends from the throne, caressing her face, his icy touch against her cheeks, he grins, lowering his hand "You still smell of spring, my dear... You have come here to die, and we all here are to witness your death... Your blood will stain this earth red, you will whimper, you will beg for Death's sweet release... We are Razvan Tepes Dracul, our blood flows freely in the veins of everyone in this Throne Room and soon, it will flow furiously through you, bringing you back to life... Tell us, Summer Child, will you give in to the madness, the fear and darkness to reach your desire? Will you relinquish everything you are for one chance at Immortality?"

 Archalia felt the coldness caress her cheek as she shivered slightly.. Wanting to reach up to touch his caressing but knew better to hold her pose... his words hitting very much her heart.. knowing that soon it shall nay beat again of life.. She slowly trailed her fingers up to caress upon her thick ebony locks drawing them over her shoulder.. then cascading her arms outwards as her verse came forth of such sensual softness.."Unto you Sir ... and all those here to witness what is my life shall become no more.. I shall aye give unto the darkness allowing it to swallow me whole and completely... crave the madness to come forth and wreak its havoc upon my mind . the fear to supersede all that I have ever known very much true.. and the darkness to engulf me fully as my desire shall to be to give all of my mortality unto this.."

 Řăźνăŋ Ŧęрęś Ďŕăčųŀ grins evilly, looking at everyone in the Throne Room "Lo jention mirre nūmāzme ēza, iderenna qopsa verdagon issa..." he then turns around, slowly turning back to the throne, facing everyone again, his eyes stop on Lord Treb, looking at him, nodding lightly "Anha Dracul. Anha Assok Yera Sekosshi", he would sit on the ancient Throne once more, as the room falls into silence once more "Lord Treb, put an end to this charade Archalia calls 'Life', introduce her to her new existence... And before you die, Summer Child... Know this... We are Dracul, we are the Dragon, we are the Dark God who brought Immortality on Undead Creatures... We are responsible for your existence, once you pledge your life, your death and your very essence to the Lords of Shadow, you belong to us... Betray us, in any way, shape or form... And we'll see that your body is devoured by rats for the next thousand years"

 Ťŕēb Ѷąlśĥ Ďŕăčųŀ  the reigns cut loose, he was upon her in an instant. Gone was the facade of kindness, The lie he bore upon her. Gone too were the visions he had implanted in her mind of pleasures and such. Now before her stood the creature he was, the beast let loose. His left hand darting out and locking into her hair, roughly jerking her head back. His right hand swooping, his nails like claws ripping her throat open. A loud snarl of raging hunger passing his now open mouth, fang extended as he snaps forth draining her life from her.

Archalia creased her gaze unto the spoken tongue she had no knowledge of .. she saw him in a blink was upon his throne again as she inclined her gaze still unsure what was spoken.. Hearing Lord Treb being told to take her very life from her she pivoted to him as her arms would slowly trail down from being outreached... she took her last breath as she knew in a very moment she would be devoured as he would take everything from her .. The words of the High Lord being embedded into her very mind as she saw Lord Treb approaching now..

 Ťŕēb Ѷąlśĥ Ďŕăčųŀ  letting her drop like a rag doll, would step back, his eyes burning upon her lifeless form. He would ponder whether to revive her and then would simply step forth to offer to her a taste of his Essence, just enough to spark that existence unto her and then would step back and simply stare coldly upon her.

 Řăźνăŋ Ŧęрęś Ďŕăčųŀ: "Welcome back... Archalia..."

 Archalia feeling him suddenly upon her in a second she closed her eyes as she felt the grasp upon her hair then tearing of her throat as her scream came not as there was much blood and soon his fangs sunken into her flesh... she was feeling her very heartbeat slowing as she felt the darkness now swooning upon her in ... falling down upon the ground as all her blood was taken.. Feeling the coppery taste of blood to her lush lips as she darted her tongue craving more.. She would glance now unto all presence as she could see them now in a different light to speak... She turned to face unto the High Lord and inclined her gaze.. her body seemingly trying to cope at the new sensations that were coursing through her now.

 Řăźνăŋ Ŧęрęś Ďŕăčųŀ: "Dear Clan and Family... We give you Archalia... Our newest childe, our newest Vampire... By the hand of Lord Treb Vash Dracul, walking the same path of Immortality... Your new existence started in the last remnant of the Valyria of Old, Magic and Dragons... May your existance never ending... Archalia, welcome to the Lords of Shadow"

 Άїŀăśă ẂїŀɖFїŕє ĎЄмЄиŤόŕ Ďŕăčųŀ stares at Archalia with her piercing glowing eyes as she would say in a whisper "Yess...welcome to you new life. Your new..beginning. Use your powers well and let the night guide you."

 Ťŕēb Ѷąlśĥ Ďŕăčųŀ  Not one for many words, His eyes still full of that blackness and his mood even more Darker, He still said unto her simply "Welcome Home"

 Ǻℓýîā Scáthαŋŋα Đŕâćűl smiles, inclining her head, impish gaze flickering over Archalia..."Welcome."

 Şƴ Şǫŗɓęȶ watches Archalia with dark eyes smiling warmly...welcome to the family

Řăźνăŋ Ŧęрęś Ďŕăčųŀ: "What is dead may never die..."

Archalia could now sense that there was more she wanted.. she knew her new family here would take care to guide her now upon this that lays afore her... Inclining her ebony locks again as she curtsied unto the High Lord.. as he welcomed her to is family ... "I thank you all for such the gift of darkness that has been bestowed upon me ... may the honor that I shall forth give be known this eve.. I shall covet you all as family...may the shadows always be welcoming ..."Offered a sensual smile unto the welcomes...

Řăźνăŋ Ŧęрęś Ďŕăčųŀ: "We thank you all for joining us tonight in a historical event... May we find ourselves again soon... For The Night Is Dark And Full Of Terrors"

Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Dark Lord's Bite

Ťŕēb Ѷąlśĥ Ďŕăčųŀ : Greetings lady Arch

Archalia jumped startled as she was thoroughly enjoying playing the harp. She quickly stood up as she looked to you... Suddenly not sure what was going on."Ahhh I am sorry.. I..

Ťŕēb Ѷąlśĥ Ďŕăčųŀ  His presence cold, in fact to chill the room, his eyes cold as they locked unto her own. His voice sounded out dead, gravely, Yet with a baritone as to command attention. ' You play that harp most pleasingly lady, and boldly, just as boldly as you dared walk upon these lands."

Archalia slowly saw the tall dark handsome figure before her. She blushed slightly as she stood behind the stool. She knew she was in probably not supposed to be here but .. she honestly didn't know how she ended up here.. She tried the door but found it locked.. She noticed windows but could not reach them.. Hearing the sounds of the crashing waves she recalled seeing when she came upon the castle.. curious but pondering now if her curiosity has gotten her into some kind of trouble..

Ťŕēb Ѷąlśĥ Ďŕăčųŀ  Looking upon her he would say," What brings thee to Gethsemane and unto the land of the Dead mortal, What makes thee so brave or careless to walk amongst the dead and then history long past?

Archalia glanced to the harp then the door she had tried to get out"I... I.. merely was strolling along.. I came upon the sight of this magnificent castle that I had seen many times in the distances.. I... walked and walked... Suddenly I saw that I was upon the gates that led here... the gates were open... "She stopped when she heard him speak of the dead and history long past.. Surely this couldn't be the tale she had heard of as a child... it was a tale honestly one to cause fear in children... Not real. She took a deep breath as she seemed a bit concerned now."This.. this.. is Gethsemane... but this was a childhood story... surely you cant mean this was ... I mean is real?!"She hesitated some now...

Ťŕēb Ѷąlśĥ Ďŕăčųŀ  her stammered out words, the look of shock within her eyes, all to tell of the sudden realization of she was now having. When she finished speaking he simply held her gaze with his penetrating stare, His manner still cold as he would reply," A long time ago, a very long time ago indeed I learn t well that some stories we are told as youth have legit truths and meanings Indeed you do stand upon Gethsemane, land of long held story and history and I stand before thee one of the figures im sure you have well heard, I lady am Lord Treb Valsh Dracul and I bid thee Welcome and enter of thy on free will."

Ťŕēb Ѷąlśĥ Ďŕăčųŀ : and approach of thy own free will

Archalia held his stare as it was mesmerizing indeed. She seemed compelled to pay attention to his words. The coldness of his appearance as it seemed yet alluring in a strange fashion.. She would try to trail her gaze away but was still only looking unto him. Hearing his name .. hearing his verse as he welcomed her to enter of the lands on her free will and approach on her free will...Slowly stepping forth as it seemed what she needed to do.. why was it she felt compelled to step to a stranger she didn't know.. "You sir.. er.. Lord Treb as you say.. are one of those they spoke within the tale. The tale of darkness that seeps into your very soul sealing it as that to another.. taking the souls of many to hide within the deepest darkest void."She shook her blond locks some. Still trying to fathom what she has step upon . Lands of the lost shadow civilization... No she thought."IS this so as you speak?

Ťŕēb Ѷąlśĥ Ďŕăčųŀ  he simply stared upon her, His eyes boring deep. He allowed her to speak though little would he answer. Suddenly her mind to be filled with those erotic visions he used so often, Visions of lust unrestrained and of power un foretold to a mortal. All this he assailed her with as he said a Silent command, Loosen your top. Then his eyes would blaze as those fangs would extend to be seen.

Archalia suddenly feeling flush with such a passion of sensual erotic pleasures... slowly drawing her fingers to undo the clasps upon her dress as it would fall from her sensual form to pool at her boots... her fingers slowly trailing down her from as she stood there feeling as if she was thoroughly enraptured with such craving to be held, to be caressed .... to be taken... her breathing ever steady and slowly as her body began to surge upon the visions that clouded her logical thoughts...

Ťŕēb Ѷąlśĥ Ďŕăčųŀ  Seeing she had now done as he had so willed, He would move across to her as if carried upon the wind. His hand to lift as he spoke in some unknown tongue unto her. In truth calling upon the Dark Ones blessing in this Sacrifice before him, His curse to fall upon her just as his head suddenly snapped downward, His fangs piercing her jugular, no mercy or concern show, just that endless need to drink, to feed that hunger within him.

Archalia saw him approach as she closed her eyes.. only suddenly to open then as she felt such a wave of heat cascade over her entire flesh.. suddenly pain.. there was pain.. the pain surfaced suddenly but then a flush of rare unnatural presences came upon her...She couldn't move.. she could think.. feeling suddenly secure in a fashion as she was being held ...

Ťŕēb Ѷąlśĥ Ďŕăčųŀ  Having Drank as he had desired, yet not taking her life. HE stepped back to look upon her with those same cold eyes. His voice the same as before, As he would say, "And now you are of this land and of a time of decision to make. Soon your mortal existence will end, Your soul is now cursed and forever lost unto us. Welcome to gethsemane Lady Arch and now thee may Dress.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Honorable Release of a Warrior

[13:28:45]  Ţŗęɓ Çǫŋşţąŋţįŋę steps over to the man in the other cage, would simply say to him, to ways to leave out of here, Self bind or be bound again, Would pass him ropes thru the the doors

[13:28:45]  Gunny Manimbo shouts: Good job Hidious!

[13:30:39]  CaexVaeriar raises his eyes. He sighs as the ropes are passed through, "Yours have bested me once." He'd say, but would stand to his feet, tall and proud, "But be that as it may, I will not yield all to you. If you intend to bind me, I request you do it in the fashion befitting a warrior - you face me in combat, sword and shield to sword and shield. That, or you can bring your friends, I'll still fight." With that, he would cross his arms, to see how the man responded.

[13:32:46]  Aara heard the conversation between the two men as she presses her face against the cell, but then the girl appeared before her and kneeling. "You better have other plans..."

[13:33:10]  anna pokes some ropes in the cage and says misress turn please that i might tie your hands

[13:33:21]  Ţŗęɓ Çǫŋşţąŋţįŋę would simply shake his head, Wondering who indeed placed him in a cage with weapons and a way to unbind himself. Oh indeed that had fought good and he honored them all for that. He met the mans gaze, eye to eye and would simply say to him, Well now I suppose ye cn stay for a bit till your challeng is accepted while your family sails home. Do enjoy the comforts and sights from within that cage while you rest here this day

[13:34:24]  CaexVaeriar nods his head to the man, "So be it. If you seek to challenge me at another time, know that I will not decline. I will honor whatever terms you put out for me." With that, he would take a seat at the back of the cage, raising a knee to rest his arm upon it. "And such a rule will go for any of yours. You put up a good fight - I only regret falling at those stairs."

[13:34:57]  anna: jarl treb he got no bow anna toss it out

[13:35:20]  Aara quirking her brow as the girl inserts the rope through the grills of her cage "Now...are you going to sail me if I accept this?" as she picks up the rope.

[13:35:41]  anna nods fast yes mistress anna will

[13:36:19]  Aara sighing as she turns around "well then...bind me."

[13:36:49]  anna loops a good strong knot and binds the mistess ams then opes the age and gets her leash

[13:37:00]  Ţŗęɓ Çǫŋşţąŋţįŋę would simply nod with a respect for the man, indeed had he neen in a reversed position he would feel much the same way. Hearing anna he would nod as he said to the man,, "Funny how odin changes things from one moment to the next, I will remind thee there is no loss of honor in meeting a request to sail, But th choice is of course yours, this battle may have been lost but there will be others to come

[13:37:15]  anna: thank you mistress

[13:41:27]  CaexVaeriar nods, "It's pretty funny." He'd say with a chuckle, but would shake his head as he mentioned there not being any dishonor to it. "Do you know the code of the scarlets?" He'd ask, watching the man's reaction. Regardless if he said yes or no, he would continue - "Woe be it to any who yields all. I'll accept the loss to fellow warriors, but I will not allow myself to yield. That is the code I live by." He'd smile faintly. "But if your wish is to have me return to my home, I Can follow out peacefully, as well. I will give you my word of not attacking you - I will only meet one with steel who has challenged me."

[13:41:45]  anna comes back to heel at masters boot and see what the jarl in the cage is gonna do..he is wise Master?

[13:43:32]  Ţŗęɓ Çǫŋşţąŋţįŋę reaches down and pats the bonds head and says to her as he listened to the man. Anna open the warriors cage, he fought with honor and i will treat him with no less. Then meeting the mans gaze he would say remember well my name is Treb and that I do know of the code quiet well. Rise and walk out like a man warrior.

[13:43:56]  anna: yes master

[13:47:03]  CaexVaeriar walks slowly out of the cage cell. He nods his head respectfully to his fellow warrior. "And mine is Fethos, Scarlet to the Azah." He'd say, "This is the first time having met another Warrior of your caliber. It was a good fight, even in defeat." He'd look down to the slave, nodding his head to her, "Would you return my bow? You removed it with silk in hand - I thank you for that."

[13:47:34]  anna looks up to master..may i master?

[13:48:09]  Ţŗęɓ Çǫŋşţąŋţįŋę would signal to anna he approved and then to th warrior would nod with a shared respect. Long it had been since sharing a moment like this and from far away lands.
[13:48:42]  anna goes over to the corner where she toss it and gets hold of it by her rep cloth then takes it back to the you are master it is not broken

[13:48:51]  Lacey moves quietly up the path to the little fruit stand where she had hidden during an attack on the land recently. She had managed that evening to not get hurt or capped so it seems a safe place to sit and eat the berries she had found in the woods.

[13:50:38]  CaexVaeriar extends a single hand to grip the bow firmly in hand. The weight of it in his hand was familiar, and a smile showed on his face. It was his weapon, and it was one he took care of and prized. He moved it back to its place on his back, hanging from his belt for quick access whenever he need it. "You have my thanks, for the honor you have shown here today." He'd say, looking to Trebor once more. "As agreed, I will follow you out in peace."

[13:51:58]  Ţŗęɓ Çǫŋşţąŋţįŋę would nod once more and would say to him, Follow along and will see ye to the ship. Would turn then and lead him out.

[13:52:03]  Ţŗęɓ Çǫŋşţąŋţįŋę: Come anna

[13:52:13]  anna: yes master

[13:52:49]  Ţŗęɓ Çǫŋşţąŋţįŋę: Tal saige

[13:54:28]  anna: safe paths to you Jarl

[13:55:45]  CaexVaeriar steps towards the boat as he had been led. The whole way, his hands never moved for his steel. He'd nod his head to the two of them, "Safe pathes to you both. Until the day we may fight again." He'd say, but paused before heading for the boat. He'd bring his hand up to his heart, hand clenched firmly as if gripping a blade. He would give a proper Warrior's salute to Treb, to show him proper respect as a fellow member of his caste, then if he wasn't stopped, would turn to the boat to leave.

[13:56:01]  Ţŗęɓ Çǫŋşţąŋţįŋę: /mw would stop having walked the man to the ship. Would meet his gaze and having not done so in some time, Would lift his fist in that old salute to him, a sign of the honor he still held and a further respect of the warrior. "Safe Paths and Odins Blessings Caex, perhaps some other time a few drinks and less arrows s we speak of past battles."

[13:57:48]  CaexVaeriar chuckles and nods his head, "Perhaps. I would welcome such an opportunity." With that, he'd turn, and step onto the boat. He'd pull a coin from his belt, and toss it to the captain "Home - To Azah." He'd tell the captain, turning back to look at the rapidly fading view of the two, watching them until they either left or until the docks were no longer visible.

[13:58:32]  Ţŗęɓ Çǫŋşţąŋţįŋę would reach down and pat annas head, look down to her and say come lil one

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

RP with the Amazing Dj

[16:30:13]  TreborLee Constantine shouts back, Tal and yes, I will be right out

[16:31:28]  Lina Kaupas: Tal Sir *nods to the man*

[16:31:31]  Pork Chop took his horn and drank it down as well. She heard him and nodded "I'll have one of those... the.... you know, the men with the collars.... STALLS, yes. I'll have a stall come get the wine" as he walked off she followed, stumbling slightly and clinging to her arm. Poor Dji, she was, as the kids say, completely wasted, bro.

[16:32:07]  TreborLee Constantine would tilt his head as he studied the visitors, his eyes moving from one to the other, He would offer a Tal in greeting and then say, I am called Treb,

[16:32:14]  Tikaani found the light of the fire and its warmth as he waited, and then heard a door open and a voice. He waleked over to where the group was.

[16:32:36]  Lina Kaupas: I am Lina. Well met Treb

[16:33:27]  Tikaani nodded to the man "I am Tikaani, I am the Head Merchant of a land far away, Brundisium. I am looking for someone who is a trader or who might deal with trading goods."

[16:33:50]  Taryn: looked to the man and smiled' tal Sir, i am Taryn" she then went quiet, so as to let Lina and Tik speak of what they were here for

[16:35:00]  TreborLee Constantine He would say Well met to all then realizing the Huntress had followed him he would look back and say go sit on the steps. Then looking to the man as he spoke of a trader," Indeed sir there is one here, I regret to inform he is away on business at present. It is not often we get many visitors from afar and have to see to our goods in lands elsewhere."

[16:35:30]  Pork Chop sneezed a little bit, and then managed to stammer out "Tal, I a Chorp pop" she frowned for a moment, focusing her gaze into slivers as she tried that one again "I mean... Ch...Co.... Poooooork Chooooooop" and then she sneezed again, her hand drifting out towards Trebor for a moment, getting her head about her before hearing him and sighing "Mkay" she muttered, stumbling off in a not-so straight line

[16:36:32]  Tikaani looked at the female with a bow and studied the sight, being diplomatic he did not offer more wordsand then looked back to Treb "I welcome your business in Brundisium at any time, and I would be pleased if you would relay that - the girl over there would like Taryn's chocolate I am sure. You are wondering I am sure why I would bring two women into such a place?"

[16:37:39]  Taryn: nudged Lina' did you bring your physicians kit, i think that girl may be ill," she lifted a hand to her face, pulling the veil a bit tighter over her mouth. then heard Tik, giving him a look ' give her my chocolates?"

[16:38:46]  Lina Kaupas shakes her head, clearly a bit impatient "i am seeking to find a thrall, a fighting thrall" says bluntly the dance of words all pretty and such but she was tired from all the travels in search of one

[16:38:56]  Tikaani looked at Taryn, annoyed, and shook his head side to side whispering "When they visit the Port."

[16:39:18]  TreborLee Constantine Could not hide the chuckle as he would feel the need to explain the situation somewhat, though not fully. He would reply," I will agree the presence of the huntress there is odd, Quiet honestly she seems to have had a bit much to drink. Then onto the biusiness of him bringing the women with him he would say as he listened to thier exchanges between them," Aye it does cross my mind, being this is a far outpost and holds some rather nasty risk. "

[16:40:30]  Tikaani looked at Lina and muttered "She is a High Caste Physician and not used to negotiations - but in addition to finding out what you export - have to offer for coin - she seeks a thrall and is prepared to pay well for it."

[16:40:39]  Taryn: saw his annoyed look, and just glowered back, her chocolates , just not freely given, and one with a bow, outside her cafe she didn't think was an idea to be encouraged'

[16:43:44]  TreborLee Constantine His face set now as he took on a more serious thoughtful look. He looked from one to the other as he listened, ever mindful of the risk to his rear from the huntress should she panic. He would reply to them at last," I can not say that I have seen thralls as such in these lands, quiet honestly I have little use or time for them. I do know of some traders that may help as well as our own trader here upon his return. " Then looking to the one called Lina he would add," Indeed your chcoclates must me interstingly good. But I find that my son has more need to arrange for a healer fere from time to time"

[16:44:00]  Pork Chop had stood by the steps, completely lost in her own world. She had drawn her bow, humming to herself, and began to pluck out a tune on the string, playing it as though it were a lute or a banjo. "Oh, stinky surly, might AR, How I watch you from Afar, nestled in the plains so dry, like a loopy kanda high, you are filled with silly men, i don't think I'll come back again' she hummed to herself, and then began to sing a second song "Just a small town urt! Taller then 50 horrrrts! She took the midnight boat going upriiiiveeeeer.... Just a lonely red! Living in a lonely beeeed! He tookt he midnight boat going dooooownriiiver!" she frowned slightly "think I'm onto something there...' she muttered. Despite how silly her songs were se actually had a beautiful singing voice that rang out with a pretty trill across the village as she played her banj-bow.

[16:45:59]  Tikaani looked at Treb and mumbled "I am getting used to traveling with women - slaves on leashes are so much easier to take places as they *he said it more loudly* know their place." His face contorted with every noise from the females including the poetic one slurring her verses "Are there any villages near here that might be quick to visit, and of course, I would be pleased to open up trade with your village - a large Port like ours could mean more coin than this village has seen in years.".

[16:47:21]  Lina Kaupas almost hisses at Tikaani hearing him speak of them as if they were not there and mutters "then bring your slaves with you next time, i will travel alone to find a thrall" stares dagger holes in his head with her teal eyes

[16:47:24]  Taryn: listened to the girls voice attracted first by the tone and melody, then her eyes filling with amusement as she heard some of the words, still miffed at Tik, more so as she heard him say about women and their place she said so the girl could hear'lovely song,

[16:48:52]  TreborLee Constantine he took on that thoughtful look again, his head starting to pound now from the singing and wishing he had stayed in the river. He looked to the man and would reply," As an officer here I would be open to future trades with you. As for other place s I know of but one city you could visit as I have only just recently arrived to these lands. Then pulling a map from his waist he would pass over to him. " I canna tell you much about it, I have been so long in the North and forest that I am out of touch with the goings on of a city"

[16:49:41]  Lina Kaupas: by Odins balls .. aye .. a northerner! *smile widens under her veil and she laughs softly*

[16:50:33]  Tikaani finally found an oasis of quiet and walked over beside Treb to take a look at the map, expecting to see a crude drawing of some type. He ignored Lina especially on npurpose, and mumbled to Treb "I will tell them of the finer points of negotiating on the boat trip." He shook his head and looked"

[16:51:02]  Tikaani then mumbled "Tyros!"

[16:51:19]  Lina Kaupas: oh cherries *nudges Taryn*

[16:51:53]  Taryn: eyes sparkled a bit as she cast a glance to her sister'i think we need to go negotiate their,,never know what we may come across'

[16:52:29]  TreborLee Constantine: wme would offer a nod as he stepped closer and spoke. He looked to them all and said after a moment, " I have not been there, only having recently been passed the map myself. I simply have had no need to travel there. In any case i would wish you a safe passage and will look forward to trade in the future"

[16:53:51]  Tikaani nodded and grinned wryly to the man "If I stop on my way back, then I will have a story to tell, or two, about Kasra..." He looked up to Taryn "...and we know that the best cherries in the lands are on Tyros."

[16:54:38]  Tikaani took a step back and smiled "How much for her?" He pointed at the sloshed giurl who was making up poetry.

[16:54:43]  Pork Chop heard the woman and she called out "thank you thank you... I'll be here all hand...." after a moment, she added, when no laughter seemed forthcoming "I live here.... so...." she began to toy with the string of her bow again, glancing up to Tikaani who she thought seemed quite condescending. She glared daggers at him for a moment, then smirked, her lips curling up into a dark, devious grin as she strummed her bow dramatically "I know that the words you are speaking, are as true as a tabuk's backside. But rude as you are, pay attention, my song is a mtter of pride..." she sniffed and continued for dramatic effect "It's clear from your pretentious expression.... Manners are not all on upstairs. But were talking trading, a proffession, so your mouth dictates if you sell your WARES!" she fell over, chuckling. Drunk Dji was a lot more relaxed than normal Dji, and she was calling it like she saw it.

[16:56:45]  Lina Kaupas has to cover her mouth to burst out laughing at the song and the words
[16:56:55]  Taryn: was still cross at him and her reply was short' yes we do" then gave the girl a wink' i may not negotiate as well as some would like, but of course women are better at so many things, like singing,,, and,,,selling"

[16:57:02]  TreborLee Constantine would simply chcukle at the offer to buy the huntress. He thought a moment and knowing he had a plan for her and her tribe he would simply say," I think I will be keeping her, though her singing has much to be added to, She does make me laugh this day. I will however have some fine Mead on your next visit and indeed look forward to hearing your tales of the other lands."

[16:57:55]  Tikaani nodded and grinned "Should you change your mind, I can see her as a fine poet in our Tavern. I wish you well Treb, well met."

[16:58:19]  Lina Kaupas: Be well Treb.. Huntress *grins at the singing wonder*

[16:58:48]  TreborLee Constantine would simply smile and offer to them, Be well and safe Paths to you on your journies

[16:59:15]  Taryn: 'it was good to meet you Treb, be well huntress, and i hope many more songs come to mind for you"

[16:59:36]  Tikaani turned and smiled at the women, a practiced smile and nodded toward the shore where the baot was.'

[16:59:45]  Pork Chop winked to the two free woman, who she rather liked, and then made an impeccably rude hand gesture towards Tikaani "save paths, Ladies!" she hiccuped, glancing towards Treb. There would be words spoken to that saucy, strong, handsome, burly, charming...." she realized she was wooing him in her head and looked down, facepalming

[17:02:30]  TreborLee Constantine stepping back over to her, his smile wide as he studied her. His earlier thoughts of sending her home in this condition jarring a guit within him which he found truely odd. He would reach out to assist her up, Would say to her, his body so close to her own," You have never had drink before have you, Kalan that is?"

[17:05:44]  Pork Chop was swaying back and fort as she put up her bow. She hiccuped slightly and raised a finger "you!" she managed before she fell forwards against him, falling over if he didn't catch her. Her face bore an expression of surprise, and her purple eyes looked up to him in utter confusion "why am I so dizzy?" she slurred slightly, her head spinning with the effects of the drink and her body warm against his.

[17:08:19]  TreborLee Constantine he would catch her as she fell forward against him. He would feel the warmth of her body, her breast pressed to him. He simply tilted his head at her question," Well now lass you have had something to drink that causes that affect. I had assumed you well knew the results of drinking Kalana. "

[17:11:27]  Pork Chop blinked her eyes "Nooooo" she said, her body absolutely melting against his for a moment as she closed her eyes "I've never had anything to drink before!" she hiccuped slightly, her head tilting again, and her fingers resting against his chest "Can we go back inside" she murmured, a flush having covered her face "My head feels like it's floating and my feet don't want to work" she had that dazed sort of look about her, of a woman entrapped by her sexuality, and starting to feel the first bloom of arousal or passion

[17:14:51]  TreborLee Constantine his mind full of racing thoughts, the heat of her body having an affect upon him as he still held to her. He could feel her breast pressing into him as he looked down into her eyes and would reply noticing her color changing," Of course I could invite you back in lass, Indeed I could but would your sisters not be worried of where you are. I can escort you back to your cliff and you come for your Kalana later"

[17:17:55]  Pork Chop shook her head "They're not worried!" she said, brightly, trying to sound a lot more assured than she was, and then finally admitting "treb... I don't think can walk" she looked up at him with round, confused eyes, and her arms slid down to wrap around his waist. She was leaning on him heavily, her body pressed to his, and her cheek tilting to touch his chest as she sighed and closed her eyes "It's ok Treb. I trust you" she whispered, her breath soft against his ribs "you're my friend... you wouldn't hurt me... I'll let them know that if they come looking" her breathing was starting to slow as the wine more commonly reffered to as the "roofies of gor" took effect and made her start to fall asleep

[17:20:33]  TreborLee Constantine her head upon him, feeling her lips move against his stomache. Her body starting to slump as he would say aloud," Oh Odins Blazes" He would then swoop down and lift her up, looking about to see no one was watching and carry her back within his cabin to lay her upon his Bunk. He would then look down to her as he let his hand brush softly over her while tucking her in," Im glad you trust me Huntress, I don't."

[17:24:52]  Pork Chop flopped back into the furs, and let out a little groan, she squirmed around for a moment before haphazardly loosing her quiver and throwing her spear towards trebor, the sharp thing sinking past his head as she reclined again on the furs, now devoid of everything that has previously hurt her back. she lay upon her back, her body stretched out as she groaned "sooooooooft" and nuzzled down into the pelts, looking as though she was perfectly content to stay there for a few hands and relax. It had been a while since Dji had been able to stretch out at night, and she was enjoying every moment of it

[17:32:48]  TreborLee Constantine would simply sit next to her, would think to himself, Do I take her, do I pour black wine into her, or do I simply be prepared for the worst hangover cussing to ever have. He would push a pillow under her head as his eyes roamed over her. That spear had nearly got him and he had no one to blame but himself. By odin what if those visitors had intended something more, would have been hell to explain how he got captured along with a drunk Huntress. As he thought his hand softly wiped the hair from along the side of her face as he would look back to her eyes and say, You have me in a quandry Huntress, I hope you know that"

[17:37:43]  Pork Chop tilted her face back up to him, and she looked him blearily in the eyes "Whyzzat?" she asked, sloppily, her body languidly twisting as she moved to make more room for him on the furs. Her flesh was soft, surprisingly unmarred. She rolled over onto her stomach, and then sighed "you're warm" she muttered, shaking her head, and tugging off some of the armor that coated her frame. She lay back down, her body easily sprawled, and curled in close to him, her legs tangling with his as she tried to get comfortable "I'm sorry if I'm being a bother, Treb" she added, quietly. Her eyes were still locked into his face as she burrowed down more securely in his furs

[17:42:19]  TreborLee Constantine he was at a loss to what to say for long moments. His pants still wet and tight, revealing more then would be normal. He shifted about as he listened to her, his eyes soft as he would reply," Your no trouble Lass, but if your sisters discover you here could indeed be trouble for us all. But I canna allow you to stumble about the forest in your conition either," He thought to himself then, indeed he could let her stumble about, would indeed be a sight to watch. But then he was having a soft day, and for the life of him he simply could not allow harm to come to her. So he would sit there softly caressing without realizing it, trying to remember all the headache remedies his nana had for him back in tha day.

[17:46:36]  Pork Chop reached out, she could feel his hands on her leg and she grabbed them, perhaps he might have thought it was an attempt to stop him, but after a moment she tugged him, trying to pull him closer. She was pretty strong, and even if she failed she would be insistent about it. the wine was singing in her blood, and though she didn't understand the concept of furring, nor the mechanics behind it, she wanted him close to her. Her eyes were filled with a sort of dreamy happiness as she said softly "But Treb... you wouldn't mean to hurt me. And even if was an accident, I would know it wasn't on purpose. I would tell them that too" her voice was a sing-song jumble of relaxed happiness, and her eyes came to rest on him as she gave him another firm pull in her direction

[17:51:23]  TreborLee Constantine his balance lost as she suddenly took hold of his hands and would pull him to her. Unable to stop the momentum of the sudden tumble he would simply fall across her crushing her breast against his chest, his lips near to her own. Yes he could not deny being male in that moment, His arousal firm despite how he felt or thought. He was yet again stunned with her actions and her words as he would finally find his voice to reply," No......No I would not hurt you, as you noted withthem trying to buy you out there I did not acknowledge an interest in doing as such. I simply... Well..... Yeah I simply feel a need to see you home safe." As he spoke that same minty breath from earlier would wash over her. His mouth was dry and god he would love to have a drink right about now.

[17:56:31]  Pork Chop felt him fall across her, and her face smiled easily up into his as he stammered out something about not selling her "It's ok Treb... no need to go through all that trouble... I'll be safe enough here, and when I can walk again... I'll get out of your hair" she blushed, laughing slightly, and her arms slid around him, her body and his affixed in a tight configuration "Your breath smells nice" she said softly, her chest rising and falling with light breaths, her eyes tightly shut "It reminds me of candies my Mistress used to feed me" she smiled softly, shifting her hips beneath him to better alight herself with his body "They tasted good. They almost had a spice to them" her thighs lay outside his, her body open to his mercy and yet, she didn;t seem to understand the gravity of that closeness. Despite his hardness, and his nearness, she seemed innocent to anything but that contact, but she was enjoying his touch intently, her frame loose-limbed and relaxed beneath him

[18:01:44]  TreborLee Constantine whether from the kalana earlier, the closenes and warmth of her body or simply her trust in him he would never know. He would simply lean his head forward after she spoke and kiss her, his tongue to dart within her mouth to dance with her own. His hands to slide along her hips as she moved against him. His heart racing with need as he was filled with those demanding desires. Perhaps it was the gods giving him the strength or his own will power that allowed him to keep some part of control as he drew his lips from hers and said, " Huntress tyhis is indeed a very dangerous situation for you. It can get.... Well many things can happen. " After speaking he simply looked upon her then

[18:07:18]  Pork Chop was mid phrase, rambling on about mint when his mouth came and pressed to her own. She stopped, her lips a half-second late to respond to his, and as he drew back her eyes opened and she stared at him, her fingers flying to touch her lips "I....' she whispered, her eyes growing wide as she stared at him with shock "I.... that's never.... I haven't...." she exhaled slightly, still tasting the mint on his breath, and feeling the trace of his stubble against her soft face, and she leaned in, and pressed her own lips to his again. the touch was much more soft, her lips were delicate, as if concerned about hurting him, and hesitating for a moment. It was a pure gesture, and a gesture of faith, for she clearly had no experience to guide her actions. Her arms slid around him, pulling her body against his as she held the kiss, her tongue shyly flicking over his lips. She tasted like wine and honey, a sweet, light taste that suited her personality

[18:13:51]  TreborLee Constantine her returning a kiss to him, her hesitation at first, her stumble of words all playing on his mind. It was in that moment he realized her words before she could finish them. His hand had slidf up cupping over her breast as he deepened that second kiss then he would rise back slowly to look into her eyes yet again. " I should have better control of me than that Huntress, its simply that you do indeed stir a desire for sure. However you are what we would call drunk and it would not look to good upon my own sense of honor to take advantage of such." With that said he would attempt to rise from her.

[18:16:36]  Pork Chop sighed as he spoke. She rather liked the scratching os his stubble on her face, so as he tried to pull away she would object.... strenuously "Wait!" she said, her arms sliding around his shoulders and her face pressing to his, her soft cheek rubbing lightly against his skin "Please don't" she said, softly "I'll stop with the kissing, but... please don't leave. This is nice" she pulled back to look him in the face, her eyes a bit more sharp, her features barely inches from his as she gazed at him, her legs hooking up to wrap around his waist and her body now clinging to him like a spider monkey to a branch.

[18:21:16]  TreborLee Constantine a low groan of tortured passion to pass his lips. How he would long to take her in that moment as she wrapped her legs around his waist to hold him tight. The outline , the fullness of his arousal now hard and throbbing against her. His head to inevitably to come back down to kiss her with such wanton desire. Yet some how he managed to control himself though by a very very thin line. His heart was racing, his breathin labored, his eyes taken on that look of one in great wanting sexual need. He forced himself to lay back with her, holding her close as his own mind screamed out what was wrong with him, take her, you are A man of Gor act like it you weak fool. " I... I.. I will not leave your side and will keep... will keep you... warm"

[18:27:18]  Pork Chop leaned in and kissed him "Thank you..." she said. HEr body curled up against his and she smiled softly into his chest "I like you, Treb" she said softly, her lips brushing against his chest from the way that she had chosen to curl up with him "Most men are cruel... they only want to use us, to hurt us. They don't care if we think, if we feel or if we hurt" she nestled down, shifting so that her head rested on his arm, and her own arm twined about his waist, "I think that's why I enjoy spending time with you so much... you never try to hurt me..." she started to mumble towards the end, her skin covered in a hazy flush and her eyes tight shut as her breathing grew steady. Though she might appear asleep she was just enjoying the contact. It was the first for her, really. Dji had always been owned by a woman, and now found herself in a tribe full of women. She was learning, slowly who she was as a woman, from them. She knew the took lovers, even if she wasn;t quite sure what it meant, the camp thralls were

[18:27:18]  Pork Chop:  enough to prove that, but they never had called to her, and she never desired to be as close to them as she was now with Treb.

[18:35:09]  TreborLee Constantine he would kiss along her neck after she spoke, would indeed find himself leaning down to kiss a full breast. Then he would recline back after hearing her, after winning that struggle within himself, albeit however briefly. He would look over her then as she would kiss at his chest, how she seemed to take pleasure and comfort from his closeness. Finally he would find voice to say," There is much to this world you will learn. As much happiness as you may find now there will inevitably come a time of great pain and regret for you> I do not wish this upon you but I know its a fact of this life we live, none of us immune from the hands of fate. There is perhaps much those huntresses in your home must yet tell and teach to you but I say this challenge to you woman, Follow whats in your heart, what you know to be true. As much as there are hard men and women, there are those that do have a kindness. The world we live is ordered and there are laws we must abide by, but there is even kindness amongst those laws."

[18:35:09]  TreborLee Constantine: Then with that said he held her closer, kissed the top of her head and would add," Perhaps you should try to rest, I will have something in case your head is aching when you awaken"

[18:40:53]  Pork Chop heard him and she smiled "Treb..." she said softly "You are sweet, but you have been as embittered as the woman in my tribe" she turned, an intelligence hitherto unrevealed springing forth in her eyes "I am not so stupid to think the enitre world will learn to accept eachother, but I have hope, that perhaps there are at least a few people open-minded enough to realize that... when you care about someone... maybe they are worth fighting for" she stared him in the eyes for a few moment and then leaned in and placed another soft kiss upon his mouth, her tongue more insistently dipping into his mouth to massage his. She let the kiss linger for a moment and then pulled back slightly, and smiled at him. It was an intense look, one she usually reserved for her tribe, trusting, loving, heart meltingly sweet, and behind all that, with an inexperienced wisdom that acted behind all her errant behavior. "If you insist, Treb" she said, softly, her body again laying down alongside his "You better not move tonight" she

[18:40:53]  Pork Chop:  muttered, jokingly, against curling up within his arms and letting her eyes drift close as she began to fall to sleep\

[18:50:42]  TreborLee Constantine his mind stunned, all this time he had thought of her so innocent, someone needing protection and caring for. Her words like a sledge hammer as they pounded within his head. Had a team of bosk charged over him it would not equal the surprise or shock he felt in that moment. And then came her demanding kiss to him, her tongue insistant in his mouth. In times past he had collared woman for less than this abrupt act. He growled out then in passion once more, His mouth coming back down onto her own as she leaned back, his hands gripping her hips as he leaned to her. His tongue would force into her mouth, dancing within as he would simply return the favor and take the pleasure from it. His eyes more alight as his hands came up cupping over her breast and then only then he would lift his head from hers and say," How sneaky you have been woman, making all to think you had little knowledge of life. And yet what a dangerous game that can be. Surely you see and sense the affect upon me, Somehow Im surprise I have

[18:50:42]  TreborLee Constantine: not lost control. But you kiss me like that once more and By odins power nothing may be able to hold me back. As for moving, Im quiet comfortable here right now"

[18:58:53]  Pork Chop was indeed innocent, but she wasn't stupid. She had incredibly deep thoughts that she had long ago been trained that nobody wanted to hear, so instead she simply bottled them away and tried her best to seem amicable and kind. As he kissed her again she gave up on sleep, and her body shifted as she felt his rough hands upon her frame. She looked up at him, her face flushed and her eyes overbright as she said, softly "I am who I ever was, Treb" her features stilled softly, and she smiled "Perhaps my head is not so full of air as everyone thinks..... But how else am i to protect myself?" she leaned in, her lips pressing to his jugular in a slow kiss, and the most gentile of bites "It's the last line of defense in this harsh world" she murmured, before the wandering lips came up to kiss behind his ear, her teeth again lightly biting at the lobe. She raised her head again, looking at him where he lay on the furs "I have never been with a man... you are the first to touch me, aside from clamping a collar onto

[18:58:53]  Pork Chop:  my leash, when I needed to be guided to my Mistress, the first to hold me, and to kiss me.." she trailed her hands down his chest, and looked into his eyes again "You do strange things to my body, Treb... you make me feel... you make me feel like I'm falling through air, through sunlight..." she seemed to be struggling with something inside of herself and with a final wrench, her willpower gave way to her desires and she simply folded in against him, her mouth seeking his once more.

[19:08:49]  TreborLee Constantine The look within her eyes as she spoke telling of much more wisdom within her then he would have known. Yet there was that innocence about her, just not as much as before. He was falling himself in someways, caving to that needing want as she touched him. Her lips at his neck, her nibbles to elicit and involuntary moan from him as his eyes would nearly roll back in his head. Her kissing would not stop, as if she were to simply challenge him, to drive him over that edge he was fighting so hard within to maintain distance from. Oh for sure he was not a weak man but aye he had his limits with deire, with teasing. Her words flowing around him and through his mind, Sounding much like words from some other place he could not quiet put finger to. He did not bother as he was lost in her deep kiss to him once more As he would begin to speak to her, he would feel her press closer, her hold on him more of want, of request. " I....Im your first kiss, the first to touch you? How could you wander so long without a man

[19:08:49]  TreborLee Constantine: laying hold of you? What is it you are wanting Huntress, clearly there is more to your visit" And with that said he simply leaned down and kissed her neck, then lower to kiss across her breast, this time allowing his tongue to trace around nipple before lifting to kiss her once more

[19:17:42]  Pork Chop felt the dull beat of the wine in her blood, but it was distant now, a muzzy memory against the backdrop of his wandering hands and mouth. "I have been lucky... I suppose...' she whispered to him, the words cutting off as their mouths collided and she tasted of him again, her hands now starting to lightly explore her body. She was a woman, he a man, and it felt right somewhere within her, correct, even that she should want him. As his mouth roamed, she arched her back, her breasts pressing up into his face, the stubble upon it making her legs shiver slightly and a puddle of arousal form deep within her belly "Ah!" she exclaimed, shocked by the intensity of the feeling, and her eyes flaring wide. Her fingers trailed through his hair and she slid into the kiss, the embrace heated, a complicated dance of touches and caresses that filled her with errant light and subtle sound. She pulled away from it, after a few moments, and quite reluctantly "I had come only to trade... but..." she stopped for a moment,

[19:17:42]  Pork Chop:  staring at him, her silverblonde hair halo'd from the light of the fire "Treb... I have... I have almost no hope of surviving long out there... I know... i have heard of furring... but..." she swallowed slightly, and tears well in her eyes "I don't want to be forced to give myself to a man, and to that be the defining moment I shall live with" she whispered. Her eyes stared at him pleadingly, begging him to understand, and she lifted the cloth around her hips to reveal a simple, delicate chastity belt with a blocked lock. Her eyes rose to his again and she bit her lip "If you can remove it..." she said, softly, her voice hardly a whisper, but somehow loud in the near-silence "I would like to give you my virginity..."

[19:29:05]  TreborLee Constantine His face would freeze, his eyes to blink a few times at her words. He was once more in that position of feeling as if a ton of Bosk had crashed into him. Had simply strode over him to leave him in a mass of confussion. Yet his head would be back at her breast as she continued to speak, her arching back more of an invitation for him to continue as he was. His tongue would lick across her hardened nipples, his hand to shift down as she removed the thin fabric from her waist. He would run his hands over the metal, as if trying to caress her heat somehow in that moment. As she stopped speaking the shock of her last words would hit him. Never in all his days had such a request been made of him. Aye indeed he had taken as he desired, he had had many women. Even one of her sisters. He looked within her eyes as her words would ring thru him. How in that moment a collar could be placed on her, should be placed on her after all it was the law or so he thought. But his heart felt a tenderness, Her words an honest

[19:29:05]  TreborLee Constantine: truth to him. He would finally lift his head and glance down to the chasity belt, his understanding of what she so desired to avoid making sense to him. Yet he wondered who had placed this on her as he spoke," Your offer to me honors me more than I could say, though by law you could be collared for such. I understand your reasons Huntress and I must admit I have never had as such offered to me. But Why me, usually you would give to one you love? And who placed this upon you and why have you not had it removed?"

[19:38:40]  Pork Chop sighed softly and she looked down at herself "I used to be a slave" she said, softly "Obviously" she added after a moment, and her lips quirked slightly "My Mistress.... she was a dear woman. A good friend. She placed it on me to prevent slave rape. It's a reality, and a frightening one, for an untrained woman to be used against her will" she sighed, and frowned softly "Her companion, the bastard that he was tried to remove it, but he had the wrong key, and broke the lock. My Mistress never got me to a blacksmith before I was released, and as such it was never removed" she paused for a moment and touched her belt for a moment. Her flesh was still burning with his touch. She sighed softly "Treb, I have no doubt that you don't want me as a slave, for I would be a terrible one, nor do I have a desire to be one" she smiled to him, tenderly, her fingers brushing over his face "I have never felt so whole in myself until I was allowed to stand..." she said, softly, and leaned in, kissing him gently again as if

[19:38:40]  Pork Chop:  to renew his taste upon her lips "But i trust you, I care about you, you interest me, and have been nothing but kind... and honestly...." she sighed out, and her eyes looked to him "I want you..." the phrase took on different meanings, coming from someone so innocent. It was a plea, and so frank an assertion for one who had no idea of what it mean it was almost frightening.

[19:49:02]  TreborLee Constantine he listened to her words, each and every one. His eyes looking over her then back to her own eyes. His heart was pounding so, much like the pounding in his head. He was beyond the point of much control of himself at this point. His eyes once more turned to the lock, remembering a time from long ago he had indeed worked with such. But his gaze would roam back over her inviting body, so warm against him. The offer could not simply be ignored nor would he. Drawing in a deep breath, His voice would come out so low as he would say." Your gift you offer is accepted Huntress. As much as it honors me Im sure you knew the risk you take. " Once said he would rise and cross the room to a very old trunk, Taking keys from his waist he would kneeel down to open. Having the trunk opened for the first time in many passings of the moon he would look inside at the memories of days long past. He would lay out the sea Cap of rank presented to him by his father, His old hammer given unto him by his grand father Toto. He

[19:49:02]  TreborLee Constantine: would shift aside the many gifts From Mischa until reaching the bottom of the trunk. His hand to clasp the old Locksmiths kit,Taken from the chest he would close it lest more memories would flash across his face, but not before seeing the simple band he was given by another huntress from long before his, attemopted murder. Turning back to her he crossed the room and would kneel beside her, looking over the chasity Lock and then once more to her eyes," You are certain woman?"

[19:54:52]  Pork Chop looked up at him, her eyes shy and scared and yet they melted with they made contact with his gaze and she simply nodded, such a gentile expression working it's way across her face that it seemed she was comforting him "I trust you, Treb" she whispered softly, her fingers coming up to lightly play across his face "Show me what to do... how to do it... for this evening, in this place, let us say I am yours to teach, and to train" she whispered, placing herself into his hands with a quiet ease. It would be better, she thought, for both of them, if she handed over the reigns now and let him guide her through. If she tried to retain equal footing, she would just trip them both up. Her hands began to trail over her body, shedding her various adornments and accessories until she was naked, save the belt about her hips. Her soft flesh would lay, open and unguarded beneath him, a blossom waiting to be plucked from the dark earth to scent and hold. Her fingers lingered upon him for a moment, and she lightly

[19:54:52]  Pork Chop:  spread her legs, giving him full access to the well-moistened belt that hid her heat from him

[20:05:33]  TreborLee Constantine his eyes, something about them, something he tried to never let no one see. A gathering moisture within, not from the memories, but rather from her trust and offer to him. He watched as she carefully and in her own seductive way would begin to remove her various adornments. . He drew in a breath at the sight of her beauty as he could feel his arousal pressing tightly against his drying pants. Looking to what he held in his hands, her words telling him she fully wanted what she offered. He would open the pouch and taken from within the small pliers used for the work of a smith often enough. Kneeling down lower to gaze at the lock, he would see the immediate trouble, the remainder of a key perhaps wedge and jammed within. He would know in this moment the pliers would not be enough so he removed a pick to insert within the lock first. He wedged it left then right untill finally getting to one side of the key. He had to put pressure upon it as clearly it had been in there a long time and rusted in place. For

[20:05:33]  TreborLee Constantine: what seemed like an eternity he worked at that key untill finally hearing the pop as it gave way. Drawing in a deep breath and taking the needle nosed type pliers in hand he carefully inserted the points within to take hold of the key. His hands trembled, as he tried to control that rush of desire within him. He too was afraid of jamming the key in further as it would indeed mean aving to use something more dangers to her to remove the belt. Finally once more after what seemed an eternity he pulled back on the pliers to remove the key that was broken within. Looking back to her he would say, " Thats the easy part, the rest may require a bit of time or it may not"

[20:14:50]  Pork Chop stayed very still, her breath shallow, and her hand pressed across her boobs, compressing them so that she might watch while he picked the lock. Her eyes were still as she felt the pick twirl around the key, taking their time, and she almost was tempted at him to scream to cut her out of it, but she managed to retain a hold upon herself, and her little body rocked up in delight as he removed the key, her lips curling up into a vibrant smile as she felt the first glimmer of hope that the thrice damned thing might be off. She resettled herself on the furs, spreading her legs again, slightly, and her hands began to nervously circle against the soft rounds of her breasts "I'm ready" she said, softly, as the large round orbs were lightly stroked, her nipples hardening beneath her fingers. It was a habit she held from her days as a slave, and she couldn't seem to break it. "After it comes off.... might I... erm..." she gestured towards the bath, and then pointed towards her warpaint, where it was starting to

[20:14:50]  Pork Chop:  flake off into his furs. She wanted to be clean and presentable when the true deed started, in fact, she still had romantic notions of perfection for her first time. She was holding his stare with that same nervous energy she usually displayed when she was in "porkchop mode" but it was more directed now, and laced with delicious hints of impatience that her eyes were not capable of hiding. She had seen his gaze, the expression in his eyes as he looked upon her, and it only intensified the coating of moisture that was soaking the belt between her legs.

[20:25:55]  TreborLee Constantine His eyes followed her own to the bath. His nod as he met her eyes once more an afirmation that she may do so. He leaned down in that moment and kissed her with such a passion as to perhaps over whelm her after her words were spoken. He would then lean back down to gaze upon the lock, reaching into the pack and taking out another pick after replacing the other tools. He would insert slowly Then say a silent word under his breath, his hand once more to tremble as he began to twist and turn the pick counter clockwise. Time seemed to pass in those first moments of the picking, sweat beading upon his forehead as he worked at the blasted lock. Then finally as if hearing a pin drop that first magical sound of a tumbler falling resonded around the room. He smiled as he felt the pick slip lower into place and he would then turn clockwise, Surprisingliy not meeting much resistance that second tumbler feel and once more the sound would surround them. With a grin he would sink the pick to its lowest depth within the

[20:25:55]  TreborLee Constantine: lock, began to turn counter clockwise once more and felt the stubbornness of resistance. A silent oath to spring forth from his lips, his hand to reach up wiping at the sweat dripping in his eyes. Once more he set to work at that lock, putting more force yet careful of breaking the pick. Long moments would pass then finally the lock would break free but distracting him was the pick breaking within. A look of disappointment to cross his face briefly then replaced with shock as the chasity simply fell free from her.

[20:32:28]  Pork Chop clung to him as he kissed her, fully invested in tasting every aspect of the kiss, and when he pulled away she was left breatheless. Her body slumped onto the furs and he met with no resistance as the chastity belt was worked upon. Her fingers curled into the furs, and she bit her lip, waiting with baited breath as she felt him move the pick inside the belt. At first, it felt like nothing, but when she felt the pick rotate, she dared to glance down, only to se a dissapointed look upon his face. As the belt fell free, however, she yelped with excitement, her body surging up off the furs as she leaped in the air, laughing aloud in joy. Her muscles played lightly with confined movement as her now bare body flexed and bent, reveling in the freedom of not having the steel about her hips anymore. After a few moments she scurried back to treb's side, and kissed him hard on the mouth again, trailing her tongue over his lips slowly and sighing out "thank you" before she lost control of herself again, she slid to

[20:32:28]  Pork Chop:  his baths, stepping in quickly, her body slowly submerging into the water and a contented moan slipping from her as she groped blindly for some soap and began to scrub herself, unconcerned if he was watching the bar travel over her sharp curves.

[20:40:18]  TreborLee Constantine he would rise up with her in that moment, the smile on his face evident as he replaced the broken tool to the kit. He would slips arms around her and kiss her deeply as she bounced back to him. Then he would watch her slip to the baths as he went back to that trunk. Opening he tossed the kit back within, not even bothering to lock the chest. Turning to gaze upon her he would reach tohis belt and begin to slowly release from his waist. Laying his weapons aside he would then lean agaisnt the wall and tug off his boots. First the right then the left as he still gazed over her in the tub. Finally standing to his full height he would take hold of his pants, catching her eyes as he undid the fastenings. Allowing his pants to fall tothe floor in a heap as his arosal bobbed up and down in her view. He would then step over to the tug, lifting one leg over then the other and slide into the water with her." I know that must be a relief not having that pile of junk on you anymore. For a momnet I was beginning to

[20:40:18]  TreborLee Constantine: wonder if indeed I would get it free"

[20:45:32]  Pork Chop dipped her face under the water for a moment, wiping the paint off of it as well, and when she came up and he was fully naked she flushed and her fingers came up, touching her face to feel if the she was as red as the heat she felt within implied. As he slipped into the water, her fingers came out, lightly touching the head of his manhood before daring back slightly "It is a relief" she said, softly, her body and face awash with a tide of emotion. Her hands came down, trailing over his calf as she whispered "all clean now..." she was caught up in his eyes, their vivid color calling to her as she lightly swiped her fingers over various parts of his body in soft, quick touches. she waited for him to show her what to do, to teach her, her hands meandering and exploring him as she did. Her skin was so plae and soft compared to his stronger body, it was a sight to behold. Her hands were soft on his frame, but shy, trying to determine what she should do or how she should act.

[20:51:01]  TreborLee Constantine her touch would elicit a tremble of desire from him. His own hands to come up softly caressing over her. His hands would come back to her breast he had stared at so often. Squeezing then lifting he would lean forwar to encircle her left nipple with his tongue. After a moment he would take one of her hands and guide to his arousal, would slowly work her hand back and forth upon him. His mouth would lock around her breast, sucking hungrily at her nipple as he looked up into her eyes in that moment.

[20:56:06]  Pork Chop felt his fingers encircle her round breasts and she gasped out for a moment. they were sensitive, the nipples hardening against his palm as she exhaled slowly, her fingers sliding to his manhood and beginning to stroke and toy with it's length. She arched up against him when she felt his mouth caress her breasts, and she moaned, her fingers sinking into a rhythmic pattern of stroking and teasing as his mouth explored the soft breasts. Her breathing grew a bit ragged, her body shifting into him as her breathing grew uneven and deeper, the small gasps he drew from her making her touch flicker more insistently over his manhood.

[21:05:27]  TreborLee Constantine it was a miraclke he was still in control of himself. After her shocking words, her actions with him. The fight with the chasity belt and the tumble of desire rushing thru him he was definately at the point of wanting to ravage her, to use her at his pleasure. All of which she had mentioned to not wanting for her first experience. His mouth was warm as it drew that hardened bud within, His teeth to nibble and tug at her nipple. His hips would move to her stroking him, lifting and falling back as he lifted from her breast to kiss her. If asked to describe how he felt in this moment, he would never find the words, still on uncharted ground as she came as a complete surprise to him. His tongue would dart eagerly into her mouth seeking out her own as once more his hands laid claim to those magnificent breast. His fingers would tease and toy with her nipples, pinch and pull as his cock would throb and seem to grow larger in her hand. He would fionally break that kiss and looking deep within her yes and say"

[21:05:27]  TreborLee Constantine: Yes I do think we are clean enough and by all that is true i want you lass, I simply do not believe I have the power to refrain from taking you here much longer. " His arms would then slip around her waist as he would slowly rise to lift her in his strong arms, the muscles rippling in his body as he would turn to step out of the tub and carry her tothe fur.

[21:13:48]  Pork Chop was lost in the hands on her body. She was like putty, being molded by him. Her fingers were insistent upon his manhood, and as she felt it grow, her breaths became short. Of all the things that had happened so far, and despite the fierce arousal coating her frame, she enjoyed kissing him the most. There was something about that moment when their lips met. It sent an electric shock through her. Her lips parted from his more reluctantly each time he broke their kiss, and she seemed to fall into his stare as he pulled back from her, her lips slightly parted and her chest rising and falling in rapid, shallow breaths. As he lifted her, she curled her arms around his neck, kissing him again, her body warm and wet and almost wieghtless against his. When they reached the furs she tumbled down, her frame sprawling beneath him on the frame and trembling with slight chill and hardly constrained desire "Treb...' she whispered softly, her voice as sweet and welcoming as a sunny grove, "My real name is Dji" she

[21:13:48]  Pork Chop:  smiled softly at him, the word rolling off her tongue like music. She wasn't sure why she wanted him to know, but something had driven her to tell him. She brushed some of the hair out of his eyes, and curled her body around him like she had before, arms and legs twining about his frame, unless he stopped her

[21:22:15]  TreborLee Constantine he would lower with her to the furs, his mouth upon her own kissing more deeply, more passionate then before. His left hand would caress over her breast, slowly down across her stomache to slip between her outstretched thighs. His fingers would tease over the lips of her heat, soft touches and caresses before he would slowly slip two within her. Back and forth with a careful tenderness to tease over her clit as he looked into her eyes in that moment to see her reaction. Her honesty to him about her name seeming to ring something within him yet again he could not place. He would lower his hungry mouth back to her breast, his lips to lock around and suckle once more, his tongue to flick and tease that nipple to torment as he still watched her. he could feel her moisture gathering, how hot she seemed as if a fire to consume him. by the gods how he ached to be inside of her, to be locked within her filling her completely. He would finally say to her," Well then Dji, I as you know am treb, and bu all I have

[21:22:15]  TreborLee Constantine: said before, I want you, it is all I can do to keep from taking you now as my body so desires."

[21:28:55]  Pork Chop caressed his tongue with hers, and her fingers came up to trail over his face. She was too inexperienced to be ashamed by her nudity, As his hands teased her breasts she moaned against his lips, and as the fingers trailed down to her heat she arched up. Her lips were pulled from his and she let out a sweet groan, her body clenching about the digits as they pressed in, not far enough yet to hurt. He hands massaged his chest, and she panted slightly, her frame trembling with every aching lingering bit of desire within her. she was so responsive to his touches, and so delighted by the erotic taboo of their caress that she seemed fair ready to combust. She looked up at him, her violet eyes gazing at his face with wonder as he spoke and she felt the rumble of his voice against her pale body "Treb..." she whispered his name with a quiet reverence, a soft prayer as she tentatively touched him with her soft hands "Please..." she stared at him, unable to articulate what she wanted from him, but her plea clear

[21:28:55]  Pork Chop:  enough. Her legs were trembling, and yet her body was pressing itself so tightly to him it was as though she wanted to be absorbed by him, covered by him, and lose herself in his person

[21:39:56]  TreborLee Constantine it was a moment of deep passion, the touching, the kissing, the words spoken, the feeling of bodies touching and worlds colliding together. Her eyes and her simple word of please to be all that was neededd to tell him she was ready. Carefully, gently he would shift her to her back. He would rise up on his arms, once more those muscles to ripple before her eyes. His right leg to shift her legs further apart as he would move beteen them. He leaned forward to tease the head of his engorged cock over her lips, his eyes would meet hers in that moment as if awaiting her to suddenly say no. He would whisper softly to her then" This may hurt, I will be as gentle as I can But the pain well you will discover what it will turn too" And then with those words spoken he would slowly push forward with a lovers ease, His cock head first pressing against her lips and holding a moment. A slight push he would then slip his cocks head into her all the while still holding her gaze. Her heat was maddening to him, her essence

[21:39:56]  TreborLee Constantine: filling the air and once more like a drug to him. He felt how tight she was, how she clamped around that head like a vice to grip him. Finally, and ever so slowly he would push further till he would reach that point that would cause her the pain. Once more looking back to her and knowing it would be the same no matter how he proceded he would simply thrust forward finally, giving into his desire and want of her, His cock driving to its fullest within her splitting her open and taking her innocence she had given unto him. He would begin to thrust back and forth slowly as perhaps she would scream out, his eyes ever burning into her as his hea dwould lower to kisses at her perfect breast

[21:53:37]  Pork Chop felt like the entire planet was, at the at moment, spiraling around the two of them as they lay upon his furs. As he shifted her onto her back, so did she intertwine tightly about him, her legs catching his waist and her arms tangling around his back as she nodded to his words. As he pushed within her she tensed, and it made her already tight heat like a vice, gripping him, soft, smooth and almost immobilizing as she clenched around his manhood. She was quite snug, and soaked, her moisture enveloping him completely and coating him well, providing the required lubrication to navigate the narrow passage of her body. She bit her lip as his engorged head slid within her tight body, and her breasts bounced at some of the tension released as more and more of himself slid into her. When he met that resistance she froze. Her face was flushed, and indeed, so was her body, and she seemed to be trembling quite badly. It would be easy to see that as fear, perhaps of the pleasure sweeping her body, or the sensations

[21:53:37]  Pork Chop:  he lay upon her flesh, however, it was not until he pushed through that final barrier to ram himself home that she finally revealed the extent of his effect upon her. As his shaft nestled fully within her, and a small trail of blood ran over her thigh to lightly dapple his furs, she tilted her head back, a soft cry coming from her. the pain was intense, but what followed it almost knocked her unconscious. A tidal wave of pleasure stormed through her petite body, and her hands gripped at Treb as she moaned nonsensically into his ear, her hips grinding against his for a moment as her inner muscles worked around his shaft and moisture began to gush forth. She was clinging to him like he was a rock saving her from being swept out to sea, and she gasped as the fierce orgasm abated somewhat. Her body still felt sore, but it only served to show how deep the underlying afterglow of pleasure from her orgasm was, and the fury of that feeling had her staring, wordlessly into Treb's face, her features almost dazed as

[21:53:37]  Pork Chop:  she leaned in and kissed him, her own hips still rubbing against his in an exploratory way. Nothing in her demeanor seemed slutty or whorish, she just wasn't that way. Instead, she seemed to crave more of him, and that sensation he gave her of being whole, and filled.

[22:05:17]  TreborLee Constantine her cry to send ripples of pleasure thru him. Her hands gripping him as well as her legs urging him onward. He began to pick up the speed of his thrust sseeing the pleasure cross her face. the scent of thier sex surrounding them, perhaps even the slight scent of blood. He was lost in her eyes and her kiss, his lips eagerly exploring her own as he drove deeper within her. His cock was now massively hard, throbbing within those tight wals of heat. He was lthrusting so hard now, as if he could not get enough of her. His head would lower, mouth to nibble at her neck, trailing down to nip at her breast. Her rtelease was overwhelming to him, her warm juices coating him and making his thrusting to her easier. The wet sounds of thier bodies slapping together in that perfect moment of pleasure of bonding as he claimed her with his body. His lips would lock to her breast yet again, drawing her nipple hard into his mouth, sucking greedily as he looked back to her perfect face, meeting her beautiful eyes as over and

[22:05:17]  TreborLee Constantine: over he continued to pound. He would loose control at this point, a loud moan of her name to pass his lips as he began to take her in a frenzy now. He was like a wild man with her, there was no holding him back as he was lost in the pleasures she gave to him.

[22:14:49]  Pork Chop arched her back up, her hands meandering over his chest and her body grinding against his. She was no longer cold, indeed, she felt like she was ablaze, and each touch and kiss and bite from Treb was enough to add to the fire. She could feel every nuance of his body, and every spasm of muscle. Her own body now actively worked with him, kissing, licking and caressing as she bucked her hips in time to his, her fingers trailing through his hair as she covered his flesh with light kisses and bites. Her touches were intense, but filled with adoration, and a care that manifested itself in the way she twisted her hips just illicit a response from him "Treb..." she moaned for him, her lips brushing his ear as she uttered the word. It was a perfect mirror to their sex, filled with arching highs, and throbbing need. The harder he thrust within her, the more he covered her, and held her, and bent her to his desires and pleasure, the more responsive she became. "lover..." she whispered, and indeed, he had become so

[22:14:49]  Pork Chop:  in her mind. There would be no way to separate herself from the inferno of their lovemaking, nor, now did she think she would be able to stop herself on the colder nights, from slipping into his arms and into his furs. His intensity, his passion, and the gruff, caring way he had treated her had her as putty in his hands, and even as she realized it she knew she didn't honestly mind that one little bit.

[22:25:39]  TreborLee Constantine he met her gaze as she called out to him, her word for him lover bringing a smile to his lips. he would lower down and kiss her in a passionate kiss, His cock now like a hammer to pound within her wanting to send her over that screaming edge over and over. He would say to her then," Slap at me, claw at me, rip at my flesh if you feel need, But you have what you wanted ths man in your arms and buried within you lover" As he had spoken he lifted his hips higher back, would slam forward even harder his cock slamming against her cervix over and over. He would bite, nip and tug at her nipples his claim on her complete as not part of her body would go untouched. He bent her to his desires, overpowered her with his wanting need. He was so intense as he looked to her, his body beading with sweat, all a tremble as he could feel his own release building. Not a thought had crossed his mind about the slave wine or to ask her of anything, in truth he was not thinking of anything but her in this perfect moment. After

[22:25:39]  TreborLee Constantine: several more moments of intense pounding into her he would draw back suddenly, Gripping her hips to guide her to her knees, lift her ass back to him. He would guide that hard cock right back to her pussy, slam forward with such force to bruise her. His right hand would reach around his fingers to tease and tormnet her pussy as well. His thrusting once more to pick up speed, he was so demanding in his want of her.

[22:34:36]  Pork Chop tangled her tongue with his, her fingers. Her body was pushing up, her hips lifting to allow him better access as he pounded within her. She was panting again, her face regaining that flushed look and her eyes. Her nails dug lightly into his back, raking, but not hard enough to tear the skin. She was getting close to another release, and it was not helped by the pounding of his manhood against her cervix. Each firm stroke bore little moans and gasps as he used her body well, and when he flipped her, she groveled, her face pressing into his furs as he pounded back into her swollen heat. She whimpered as he rubbed over her sensitive clit, her breath heaving against his back as she started to push back into his thrusts, the grinding of her hips becoming erratic as she felt her body tense up in preparation for another orgasm. The pain of the way he used her near-virgin body was only feeding her pleasure, and her hands guided his left palm to her breasts, urging him to grip and tease the full orb as she met

[22:34:36]  Pork Chop:  and matched his pleasure with her own.

[22:42:55]  TreborLee Constantine His left hand eagerly taking hold of her breast in that moment, fingers to pinch at her nipple as he slamed even harder into her. He teased her clit unmercifully with his fingers as his hard cock laid claim to her womb. Yes anyone to pass by would think a battle was taking place within the cabin as thier boies slapped together in that perfect union of desire and want. He knew he was drawing to that edge, would come crashing over soon as he moaned out for her and that passion filled voice." Cum for me, cum with me " Unsure whether she would know what he meant he simply gave over finally pounding into her in an animalistic thrust of raw hard sex. he went wild with her, would not hold back even if he could now. His head would snap back then his groan of raw passion to ring throughout the cabin, perhaps even the forest as he exploded within her in massive waves. His cum gushed into her, spilling deep within her womb, filling her completely as his cock would push it further within her. His hands grip on her

[22:42:55]  TreborLee Constantine: breast so hard as to bruise once more marking her as his. Finally to collapse down with her, to enfold her into his arms and kiss her deeply. Looking into her eyes as he would wait for her words to him.

[22:49:16]  Pork Chop could feel his hands raking over her flesh, and she let out another one of those cries of delight as she felt him thrust within her, almost to her stomach. As his shaft twitched within her, it's head filling her womb, she let out trilling scream that mingled with his own cry as moisture squirted from within her. Her fingers covered his, pulling him more tightly to her as she rocked her hips back and forth on his shaft as he came, riding out the orgasm with her trembling hips. The growl of his voice seared her soul with delight as she held onto the gruff tones, her bucking body finally slowing. As she collapsed on the furs, and he gathered her to him she opened one brilliantly purple eye and smiled into the kiss, her lips locking on his, breaking every few moments to gasp for air as she tried to regain the breath he had knocked from her. After a few moments of kissing him, smelling their combined scents of soap and sex, she looked up into his eyes, her face still and serene, and filled with awe "Thank

[22:49:16]  Pork Chop:  you...' it was all she could say. She seemed humbled by the raw display of passion, and entranced by the lazy, warm, delicious way he had made her body feel.

[22:54:29]  TreborLee Constantine his arms would enfold around her, his eyes boring into her as he would kiss her deeply. Her words of thank you to bring a smile to his lips as he watched her. He would trail a hand up to her breast to cup and caress as he too struggled to find voice to speak," Perhaps it is I who would do better to thank you. You have honored me with such a gift this day in more ways then one, a gift i will hold close to my heart and cherish forever." Then with those words spoken he would draw her even closer to him andf add as his eyes would slip closed in that pleasurable moment," I hope there will be many more days with you Huntrtess"

[22:57:29]  Pork Chop smiled softly "I have no doubt there will be" she whispered softly into his chest. her body was aligned with his well, her fingers tracing small patterns on his chest as she kissed his chest, his ribs and then his sternum. Her eyes occasionally looked up to him, a wide, happy smile on her face, but her eyelids soon grew heavy. She remained there, by his side, even as she felt herself slipping into sleep. She had no intention of leaving, yet, and no desire to slip out and away from him. Instead she just tucked her body against his and let their bodies tangle for warmth within the muted light of his hut.

[22:59:05]  TreborLee Constantine he would holdd her close as they drifted off, possessively and protectively. He would kiss her once more before sleep overtook him Falling into dreams of this night.

Deal With a Huntress

[17:57:09]  TreborLee Constantine stepping back to the cage, having left her within all noght in the cold, no fur to wrap herself within, he would step to the door and look down upon her. His eyes clear as they would trail slowly over her taking in each curve. After a moment he would remark in a voice much unlike perhaps she would expect, " I regret I forgot to send a slave with a fur, You must be cold." Then opening the door he woul dlean over to loosen her feet to allow her to move somewhat. Pick her up to stand and say to her, finally, "What are you called?"

[18:00:04]  Scarlett blinks and stirs at the sounds of one approaching, and her face contorts in a painful wince, having been left on the wooden floor and in ropes all night her muscles ache with stiffness. Regarding the man evenly, even as he loosens her feet and sets her up; though her legs wobble with wekaness and she stumbles forward into him, steadying herself as best she can. "Most recently, people have been calling me Scarlett." she says simply.

[18:04:55]  TreborLee Constantine he draws in a deep breath as she fell against him. His hands to catch her and hold her steady and then to simply open the dorr to guide her out of the cage. All the while still acting as if he were simply attending to a guest. He would meet her eyes with a small smile and say,'Well Met indeed Scarlett, I am called Treb, High Jarl of this village"

[18:08:44]  Scarlett lets herself be guided out, not at all adverse to getting out of the cramped cage and more than willing to take advantage of the man's seemingly cordial attitude, though she noticably winces slightly when she hears the word 'Jarl.' Looking around the underground room a moment, she turns back to her 'host' and gives a little nod. "I'd say 'well met', Sir Treb, but you must admit the circumstances of our meeting were, well, less than ideal - at least as far as my interests go." she says a bit drolly.

[18:13:27]  TreborLee Constantine as she responded to him, his eyes to once more move over her body and then back to meet her own. He would not help but let a small chuckle pass at her mention of the circumstances that had brought her here. He would slowly step around her as she talked, as in examing her closely as if a buyer a market. Then stepping back before her he would reach out simply and take her breast in his hands, lift and knead as if checking thier firmness. He would then release to tilt her chin back and meet her eyes as he would reply."Circumstances can be different for many occassions, Simply I would say that your being here could be misfortune to some and gain unto others. Way I see it is I did you a service, albeit making it look like it was not really a matter worth much to me, I did in fact save you from her as I know well what they do to Captives they do not want. "

[18:17:35]  Scarlett gradually glowers more and more as the Jarl begins to treat her more like his property than as a guest...and the fact that she *was* techinically his property now put her in a more rueful disposition than the groping and fondling, although her cheeks do flush a bit red at the touch. "Ah yes, this is how we spin have done me a favor by purchasing me and I should be grateful for the wonderful new life you are going to give me." she remarks dryly.

[18:22:26]  TreborLee Constantine he could not help but let out a loud chuckle that would indeed ring about the dungeon. He would laugh so hard that tears would form in his eyes as he tried to compose himself. His hand toreach out and softly caress her face as he would reply to her," Huntress I do not need to resort to such trickery as such with you, If I canna convince you to stay of your own chooising then Well its a waste of my time to throw a force collar on you as I would have to watch you day and night, and quiet honestly I have many things I like to do and share. But I will tell you that you are in a disposition, One Im surfe even you do realize as I know you are no fool. There is much to life not so fair, much to life that is, all things to bring about both good and bad, happiness and saddness. I think its within you to choose which you would hold most dear."

[18:25:28]  Scarlett draws a long even breath and lets it out slowly, the tense, standoffish posture melting somewhat away from her body as her bravado is countered by simple practicality. " what do you have in mind for me then, Jarl?" she says a bit more subdued. "You may have paid vulo feed for me, but the fact that you paid anything at all suggests you have something in mind."

[18:34:19]  TreborLee Constantine would draw in a sighas he looked over her, he appearing in deep thought. Reaching out he would pull the leathers from her upper body and gaze over her with much desire in his eyes. However that would be normal for any man looking upon her beauty. After a moment he would say his eyes still trailing over her. " Indeed I want something from you Huntress, and something you could give me as well. But for the matter I want, There is risk. I simply would instruct you to this matter. For three days hence When the suns of gor are this time of day, you will return to me here. You will wear a collar about your neck and you will wear silks for me, You will treat me as if Im your jarl and spend much time talking with me of your life and your tribe. After which on the third day you will bring one other thing with you, a packet of Tassa. Upon completeion of all tyhis you will be freed from this situation and never have to see me again. But mind you Im putting faith in you that you will keep your word as much as you

[18:34:19]  TreborLee Constantine: must in that I keep mine. How say you?

[18:37:52]  Scarlett flinches as her top is torn from her, and her cheeks now flush as scarlett as her name and her eyes burn with barely checked anger. "Three days...and if I refuse? You said yourself you'd not waste your efforts trying to force me into submission..." here eys narrow and her look grows inquisitive. "And why do you need *me* to bring you it so hard to come by here?"

[18:42:00]  TreborLee Constantine he would lean closer to her, his right hand to caress over her left breast. looking direct into her eyes he would simply put forth the answer," Perhaps I simply desire your company woman, perhaps even as you know red hair is much treasured of our worlds. Perhapos too Im testing your word to see how true you are at it, and more so perhaps I want what you have to offer but only by your offer would I accept. its really a simple matter huntress to the many other alternatives. As for not forcing you or wasting time, There would be the matter of our paths crossing again, would it not be best to have it a pleasant passing than to risk harm?

[18:45:04]  Scarlett draws another long even breath, holding her ground steady as her exposed breast is casually fondled by the man in front of her. If he was indeed planning some treachery, she would be no worse off than if she refused, she reasoned. Her face grows more resigned and she gives a little nod. "Then we have an Jarl." she says, chewing the words just a little bit. "For three days."

[18:52:45]  TreborLee Constantine smiles softly and would simply kiss her in thatmomnet, a surprise even unto himself as he did. Of even more a surprise he would draw dagger and cut the ropes from her as he held her gaze. he would reply," I know how difficult this must be in your case woman, but perhaps by the end of the three days you will come to think otherwise. One thing you will note for true, Iam a man of my word and love to have talks of different lands and how thier people live, same is of you, I wish to know all you can share. Then as the ropes fell he flipped the dagger aroiund in his hand and held the hilt out and polaced into her palm, You will need that for your journey home tonight and back here on each day. I hold you in value as in believing in your word woman. "

[18:56:34]  Scarlett tenses at the kiss but does not fight it, indeed after a breif ihn she drinks in of it, as if savoring a long-forgotten taste, holding it even as the ropes fall from her form. When the dagger is offered to her, she regards it with an almost wondering look. "I see you place a great deal of trust in me....or confidence in yourself." She smirks slightly. "Perhaps you think you might sway my feelings in three days time...sounds like an interesting little game to play." she snickers softly behind closed lips.

[19:01:56]  TreborLee Constantine he would meerly smile as she spoke, his eyes to dance with a certain light of life. He would tilt his head as onc emore hai hand caressed over her and say," We both know anyone else would have beaten you, raped you and tis true would been such a waist. I prefer what is offered to me because one wishes me to have it at times. Maybe in someway I look to see what you offer me, As such you can but say you were treated with kindness from a jarl otherwise known for far worse than good. Aye woman I have faith in you, but if you so desire, then by all means thrst that dagger into me I will even makle it easy by locking my hands behind me. You just simply have to answer the question within you, Do you want to , do you want to break your word, or do you want to spend time with me as well and learn of me, Simple choices Huntress. "

[19:05:38]  Scarlett doesn't shy away at all from the Jarl's touch now, and the litle smirk on her face widens a bit as he gives her the option of doing in him on the spot. "That would also be...such a waste." she remarks, sheathing the blade in what's left of her skirt. "And I never would want to say I waste hospitality, or the chance to learn of new lands myself." She stands now bare and seemingly unabashed before him.

[19:10:24]  TreborLee Constantine Smiles an nid to her, His eyes a deep misty blue of emotions within as he stares into her own gaze. His hand to still linger upon her after she had sheathed the blade. He would step forward rather boldly and as if he had all the right in the world, would draw her to him and kiss her with such a fir of passion as to perhaps shock her. Indeed his tongue would twine within her own mouth, his hands to caress upward to cup over perfect round breast. And then would finally step back to release her and say," I should see you to the docks now so ytou may alert your tribe you are indeed safe. Just remember how to come to me <" And with that said he would simply pass over to her the simple collar and the key. Adding," Three days to learn of new land s and peope not such a bad agreement indeed

[19:13:51]  Scarlett lets herself be sweeped up in the enveloping embrace, breathing in the musky scent of the Jarl's leathers and letting him rome his touch over her as he drinks of her lips. "My...tribe. Yes." she says with a funny sort of lilt, then blinking shakes it off, looking at the collar and key thrust into her hand. "I understand." she says at last. Then perking slighlty and the sardonic smirk returns to her face. "But surely you're not sending me out dressed like this...or *un*dressed, I should say."

[19:16:57]  TreborLee Constantine chuckels as he would indeed consider sending her on her war as such, But no he would be a nbit more generous. Turning to grasp at some leathers the slaves had sown for some captives, He would turn and pass some to her as he studied her closely burning her look tohis mind. " No woman I will not risk sending you in such a state as to get captureed before our agreement is fullfilled."

[19:19:13]  Scarlett accepts the garments, tugging them over her hips and bosom, then adjusting the dagger on her thigh. "Yes, t'would be just a shame." she grins. "Thugh if course I need not tell you a redheaded forest girl might well be in someone *else's* cage before the day ends." she says with a bit of wry self-depreciation.

[19:20:21]  TreborLee Constantine Well then i would be sorely unhappy in that event woman, Come lets get you outt safely

[19:20:53]  Scarlett finishes adjusting the dagger sheath, then nods and follows.

[19:23:08]  TreborLee Constantine would stop and pointdown the path toward the docks, hewould look into her eyes and say,"Show that daggers jhilt to the captain, it will ensure your passage back and forth with my initials. I will look for you on the morrow huntress

[19:25:18]  Scarlett nods, gripping the dagger hilt firmly as she now knows it's value to her. "Indeed...on the morrow." she says playfully, letting the man wonder if she would indeed honor or word or simply turn tail and run like the forest women's reputation would suggest. "Until paths, Jarl." And with that she saunters through the log bridge, hips swaying gently from side to side and setting the dagger glinting.