Saturday, July 20, 2013

Honorable Release of a Warrior

[13:28:45]  Ţŗęɓ Çǫŋşţąŋţįŋę steps over to the man in the other cage, would simply say to him, to ways to leave out of here, Self bind or be bound again, Would pass him ropes thru the the doors

[13:28:45]  Gunny Manimbo shouts: Good job Hidious!

[13:30:39]  CaexVaeriar raises his eyes. He sighs as the ropes are passed through, "Yours have bested me once." He'd say, but would stand to his feet, tall and proud, "But be that as it may, I will not yield all to you. If you intend to bind me, I request you do it in the fashion befitting a warrior - you face me in combat, sword and shield to sword and shield. That, or you can bring your friends, I'll still fight." With that, he would cross his arms, to see how the man responded.

[13:32:46]  Aara heard the conversation between the two men as she presses her face against the cell, but then the girl appeared before her and kneeling. "You better have other plans..."

[13:33:10]  anna pokes some ropes in the cage and says misress turn please that i might tie your hands

[13:33:21]  Ţŗęɓ Çǫŋşţąŋţįŋę would simply shake his head, Wondering who indeed placed him in a cage with weapons and a way to unbind himself. Oh indeed that had fought good and he honored them all for that. He met the mans gaze, eye to eye and would simply say to him, Well now I suppose ye cn stay for a bit till your challeng is accepted while your family sails home. Do enjoy the comforts and sights from within that cage while you rest here this day

[13:34:24]  CaexVaeriar nods his head to the man, "So be it. If you seek to challenge me at another time, know that I will not decline. I will honor whatever terms you put out for me." With that, he would take a seat at the back of the cage, raising a knee to rest his arm upon it. "And such a rule will go for any of yours. You put up a good fight - I only regret falling at those stairs."

[13:34:57]  anna: jarl treb he got no bow anna toss it out

[13:35:20]  Aara quirking her brow as the girl inserts the rope through the grills of her cage "Now...are you going to sail me if I accept this?" as she picks up the rope.

[13:35:41]  anna nods fast yes mistress anna will

[13:36:19]  Aara sighing as she turns around "well then...bind me."

[13:36:49]  anna loops a good strong knot and binds the mistess ams then opes the age and gets her leash

[13:37:00]  Ţŗęɓ Çǫŋşţąŋţįŋę would simply nod with a respect for the man, indeed had he neen in a reversed position he would feel much the same way. Hearing anna he would nod as he said to the man,, "Funny how odin changes things from one moment to the next, I will remind thee there is no loss of honor in meeting a request to sail, But th choice is of course yours, this battle may have been lost but there will be others to come

[13:37:15]  anna: thank you mistress

[13:41:27]  CaexVaeriar nods, "It's pretty funny." He'd say with a chuckle, but would shake his head as he mentioned there not being any dishonor to it. "Do you know the code of the scarlets?" He'd ask, watching the man's reaction. Regardless if he said yes or no, he would continue - "Woe be it to any who yields all. I'll accept the loss to fellow warriors, but I will not allow myself to yield. That is the code I live by." He'd smile faintly. "But if your wish is to have me return to my home, I Can follow out peacefully, as well. I will give you my word of not attacking you - I will only meet one with steel who has challenged me."

[13:41:45]  anna comes back to heel at masters boot and see what the jarl in the cage is gonna do..he is wise Master?

[13:43:32]  Ţŗęɓ Çǫŋşţąŋţįŋę reaches down and pats the bonds head and says to her as he listened to the man. Anna open the warriors cage, he fought with honor and i will treat him with no less. Then meeting the mans gaze he would say remember well my name is Treb and that I do know of the code quiet well. Rise and walk out like a man warrior.

[13:43:56]  anna: yes master

[13:47:03]  CaexVaeriar walks slowly out of the cage cell. He nods his head respectfully to his fellow warrior. "And mine is Fethos, Scarlet to the Azah." He'd say, "This is the first time having met another Warrior of your caliber. It was a good fight, even in defeat." He'd look down to the slave, nodding his head to her, "Would you return my bow? You removed it with silk in hand - I thank you for that."

[13:47:34]  anna looks up to master..may i master?

[13:48:09]  Ţŗęɓ Çǫŋşţąŋţįŋę would signal to anna he approved and then to th warrior would nod with a shared respect. Long it had been since sharing a moment like this and from far away lands.
[13:48:42]  anna goes over to the corner where she toss it and gets hold of it by her rep cloth then takes it back to the you are master it is not broken

[13:48:51]  Lacey moves quietly up the path to the little fruit stand where she had hidden during an attack on the land recently. She had managed that evening to not get hurt or capped so it seems a safe place to sit and eat the berries she had found in the woods.

[13:50:38]  CaexVaeriar extends a single hand to grip the bow firmly in hand. The weight of it in his hand was familiar, and a smile showed on his face. It was his weapon, and it was one he took care of and prized. He moved it back to its place on his back, hanging from his belt for quick access whenever he need it. "You have my thanks, for the honor you have shown here today." He'd say, looking to Trebor once more. "As agreed, I will follow you out in peace."

[13:51:58]  Ţŗęɓ Çǫŋşţąŋţįŋę would nod once more and would say to him, Follow along and will see ye to the ship. Would turn then and lead him out.

[13:52:03]  Ţŗęɓ Çǫŋşţąŋţįŋę: Come anna

[13:52:13]  anna: yes master

[13:52:49]  Ţŗęɓ Çǫŋşţąŋţįŋę: Tal saige

[13:54:28]  anna: safe paths to you Jarl

[13:55:45]  CaexVaeriar steps towards the boat as he had been led. The whole way, his hands never moved for his steel. He'd nod his head to the two of them, "Safe pathes to you both. Until the day we may fight again." He'd say, but paused before heading for the boat. He'd bring his hand up to his heart, hand clenched firmly as if gripping a blade. He would give a proper Warrior's salute to Treb, to show him proper respect as a fellow member of his caste, then if he wasn't stopped, would turn to the boat to leave.

[13:56:01]  Ţŗęɓ Çǫŋşţąŋţįŋę: /mw would stop having walked the man to the ship. Would meet his gaze and having not done so in some time, Would lift his fist in that old salute to him, a sign of the honor he still held and a further respect of the warrior. "Safe Paths and Odins Blessings Caex, perhaps some other time a few drinks and less arrows s we speak of past battles."

[13:57:48]  CaexVaeriar chuckles and nods his head, "Perhaps. I would welcome such an opportunity." With that, he'd turn, and step onto the boat. He'd pull a coin from his belt, and toss it to the captain "Home - To Azah." He'd tell the captain, turning back to look at the rapidly fading view of the two, watching them until they either left or until the docks were no longer visible.

[13:58:32]  Ţŗęɓ Çǫŋşţąŋţįŋę would reach down and pat annas head, look down to her and say come lil one

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