Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Deal With a Huntress

[17:57:09]  TreborLee Constantine stepping back to the cage, having left her within all noght in the cold, no fur to wrap herself within, he would step to the door and look down upon her. His eyes clear as they would trail slowly over her taking in each curve. After a moment he would remark in a voice much unlike perhaps she would expect, " I regret I forgot to send a slave with a fur, You must be cold." Then opening the door he woul dlean over to loosen her feet to allow her to move somewhat. Pick her up to stand and say to her, finally, "What are you called?"

[18:00:04]  Scarlett blinks and stirs at the sounds of one approaching, and her face contorts in a painful wince, having been left on the wooden floor and in ropes all night her muscles ache with stiffness. Regarding the man evenly, even as he loosens her feet and sets her up; though her legs wobble with wekaness and she stumbles forward into him, steadying herself as best she can. "Most recently, people have been calling me Scarlett." she says simply.

[18:04:55]  TreborLee Constantine he draws in a deep breath as she fell against him. His hands to catch her and hold her steady and then to simply open the dorr to guide her out of the cage. All the while still acting as if he were simply attending to a guest. He would meet her eyes with a small smile and say,'Well Met indeed Scarlett, I am called Treb, High Jarl of this village"

[18:08:44]  Scarlett lets herself be guided out, not at all adverse to getting out of the cramped cage and more than willing to take advantage of the man's seemingly cordial attitude, though she noticably winces slightly when she hears the word 'Jarl.' Looking around the underground room a moment, she turns back to her 'host' and gives a little nod. "I'd say 'well met', Sir Treb, but you must admit the circumstances of our meeting were, well, less than ideal - at least as far as my interests go." she says a bit drolly.

[18:13:27]  TreborLee Constantine as she responded to him, his eyes to once more move over her body and then back to meet her own. He would not help but let a small chuckle pass at her mention of the circumstances that had brought her here. He would slowly step around her as she talked, as in examing her closely as if a buyer a market. Then stepping back before her he would reach out simply and take her breast in his hands, lift and knead as if checking thier firmness. He would then release to tilt her chin back and meet her eyes as he would reply."Circumstances can be different for many occassions, Simply I would say that your being here could be misfortune to some and gain unto others. Way I see it is I did you a service, albeit making it look like it was not really a matter worth much to me, I did in fact save you from her as I know well what they do to Captives they do not want. "

[18:17:35]  Scarlett gradually glowers more and more as the Jarl begins to treat her more like his property than as a guest...and the fact that she *was* techinically his property now put her in a more rueful disposition than the groping and fondling, although her cheeks do flush a bit red at the touch. "Ah yes, this is how we spin it...you have done me a favor by purchasing me and I should be grateful for the wonderful new life you are going to give me." she remarks dryly.

[18:22:26]  TreborLee Constantine he could not help but let out a loud chuckle that would indeed ring about the dungeon. He would laugh so hard that tears would form in his eyes as he tried to compose himself. His hand toreach out and softly caress her face as he would reply to her," Huntress I do not need to resort to such trickery as such with you, If I canna convince you to stay of your own chooising then Well its a waste of my time to throw a force collar on you as I would have to watch you day and night, and quiet honestly I have many things I like to do and share. But I will tell you that you are in a disposition, One Im surfe even you do realize as I know you are no fool. There is much to life not so fair, much to life that is, all things to bring about both good and bad, happiness and saddness. I think its within you to choose which you would hold most dear."

[18:25:28]  Scarlett draws a long even breath and lets it out slowly, the tense, standoffish posture melting somewhat away from her body as her bravado is countered by simple practicality. "Aye...so what do you have in mind for me then, Jarl?" she says a bit more subdued. "You may have paid vulo feed for me, but the fact that you paid anything at all suggests you have something in mind."

[18:34:19]  TreborLee Constantine would draw in a sighas he looked over her, he appearing in deep thought. Reaching out he would pull the leathers from her upper body and gaze over her with much desire in his eyes. However that would be normal for any man looking upon her beauty. After a moment he would say his eyes still trailing over her. " Indeed I want something from you Huntress, and something you could give me as well. But for the matter I want, There is risk. I simply would instruct you to this matter. For three days hence When the suns of gor are this time of day, you will return to me here. You will wear a collar about your neck and you will wear silks for me, You will treat me as if Im your jarl and spend much time talking with me of your life and your tribe. After which on the third day you will bring one other thing with you, a packet of Tassa. Upon completeion of all tyhis you will be freed from this situation and never have to see me again. But mind you Im putting faith in you that you will keep your word as much as you

[18:34:19]  TreborLee Constantine: must in that I keep mine. How say you?

[18:37:52]  Scarlett flinches as her top is torn from her, and her cheeks now flush as scarlett as her name and her eyes burn with barely checked anger. "Three days...and if I refuse? You said yourself you'd not waste your efforts trying to force me into submission..." here eys narrow and her look grows inquisitive. "And why do you need *me* to bring you Tassa...is it so hard to come by here?"

[18:42:00]  TreborLee Constantine he would lean closer to her, his right hand to caress over her left breast. looking direct into her eyes he would simply put forth the answer," Perhaps I simply desire your company woman, perhaps even as you know red hair is much treasured of our worlds. Perhapos too Im testing your word to see how true you are at it, and more so perhaps I want what you have to offer but only by your offer would I accept. its really a simple matter huntress to the many other alternatives. As for not forcing you or wasting time, There would be the matter of our paths crossing again, would it not be best to have it a pleasant passing than to risk harm?

[18:45:04]  Scarlett draws another long even breath, holding her ground steady as her exposed breast is casually fondled by the man in front of her. If he was indeed planning some treachery, she would be no worse off than if she refused, she reasoned. Her face grows more resigned and she gives a little nod. "Then we have an accord...my Jarl." she says, chewing the words just a little bit. "For three days."

[18:52:45]  TreborLee Constantine smiles softly and would simply kiss her in thatmomnet, a surprise even unto himself as he did. Of even more a surprise he would draw dagger and cut the ropes from her as he held her gaze. he would reply," I know how difficult this must be in your case woman, but perhaps by the end of the three days you will come to think otherwise. One thing you will note for true, Iam a man of my word and love to have talks of different lands and how thier people live, same is of you, I wish to know all you can share. Then as the ropes fell he flipped the dagger aroiund in his hand and held the hilt out and polaced into her palm, You will need that for your journey home tonight and back here on each day. I hold you in value as in believing in your word woman. "

[18:56:34]  Scarlett tenses at the kiss but does not fight it, indeed after a breif ihn she drinks in of it, as if savoring a long-forgotten taste, holding it even as the ropes fall from her form. When the dagger is offered to her, she regards it with an almost wondering look. "I see you place a great deal of trust in me....or confidence in yourself." She smirks slightly. "Perhaps you think you might sway my feelings in three days time...sounds like an interesting little game to play." she snickers softly behind closed lips.

[19:01:56]  TreborLee Constantine he would meerly smile as she spoke, his eyes to dance with a certain light of life. He would tilt his head as onc emore hai hand caressed over her and say," We both know anyone else would have beaten you, raped you and tis true would been such a waist. I prefer what is offered to me because one wishes me to have it at times. Maybe in someway I look to see what you offer me, As such you can but say you were treated with kindness from a jarl otherwise known for far worse than good. Aye woman I have faith in you, but if you so desire, then by all means thrst that dagger into me I will even makle it easy by locking my hands behind me. You just simply have to answer the question within you, Do you want to , do you want to break your word, or do you want to spend time with me as well and learn of me, Simple choices Huntress. "

[19:05:38]  Scarlett doesn't shy away at all from the Jarl's touch now, and the litle smirk on her face widens a bit as he gives her the option of doing in him on the spot. "That would also be...such a waste." she remarks, sheathing the blade in what's left of her skirt. "And I never would want to say I waste hospitality, or the chance to learn of new lands myself." She stands now bare and seemingly unabashed before him.

[19:10:24]  TreborLee Constantine Smiles an nid to her, His eyes a deep misty blue of emotions within as he stares into her own gaze. His hand to still linger upon her after she had sheathed the blade. He would step forward rather boldly and as if he had all the right in the world, would draw her to him and kiss her with such a fir of passion as to perhaps shock her. Indeed his tongue would twine within her own mouth, his hands to caress upward to cup over perfect round breast. And then would finally step back to release her and say," I should see you to the docks now so ytou may alert your tribe you are indeed safe. Just remember how to come to me <" And with that said he would simply pass over to her the simple collar and the key. Adding," Three days to learn of new land s and peope not such a bad agreement indeed

[19:13:51]  Scarlett lets herself be sweeped up in the enveloping embrace, breathing in the musky scent of the Jarl's leathers and letting him rome his touch over her as he drinks of her lips. "My...tribe. Yes." she says with a funny sort of lilt, then blinking shakes it off, looking at the collar and key thrust into her hand. "I understand." she says at last. Then perking slighlty and the sardonic smirk returns to her face. "But surely you're not sending me out dressed like this...or *un*dressed, I should say."

[19:16:57]  TreborLee Constantine chuckels as he would indeed consider sending her on her war as such, But no he would be a nbit more generous. Turning to grasp at some leathers the slaves had sown for some captives, He would turn and pass some to her as he studied her closely burning her look tohis mind. " No woman I will not risk sending you in such a state as to get captureed before our agreement is fullfilled."

[19:19:13]  Scarlett accepts the garments, tugging them over her hips and bosom, then adjusting the dagger on her thigh. "Yes, t'would be just a shame." she grins. "Thugh if course I need not tell you a redheaded forest girl might well be in someone *else's* cage before the day ends." she says with a bit of wry self-depreciation.

[19:20:21]  TreborLee Constantine Well then i would be sorely unhappy in that event woman, Come lets get you outt safely

[19:20:53]  Scarlett finishes adjusting the dagger sheath, then nods and follows.

[19:23:08]  TreborLee Constantine would stop and pointdown the path toward the docks, hewould look into her eyes and say,"Show that daggers jhilt to the captain, it will ensure your passage back and forth with my initials. I will look for you on the morrow huntress

[19:25:18]  Scarlett nods, gripping the dagger hilt firmly as she now knows it's value to her. "Indeed...on the morrow." she says playfully, letting the man wonder if she would indeed honor or word or simply turn tail and run like the forest women's reputation would suggest. "Until then...safe paths, Jarl." And with that she saunters through the log bridge, hips swaying gently from side to side and setting the dagger glinting.

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