Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Dark Lord's Bite

Ťŕēb Ѷąlśĥ Ďŕăčųŀ : Greetings lady Arch

Archalia jumped startled as she was thoroughly enjoying playing the harp. She quickly stood up as she looked to you... Suddenly not sure what was going on."Ahhh I am sorry.. I..

Ťŕēb Ѷąlśĥ Ďŕăčųŀ  His presence cold, in fact to chill the room, his eyes cold as they locked unto her own. His voice sounded out dead, gravely, Yet with a baritone as to command attention. ' You play that harp most pleasingly lady, and boldly, just as boldly as you dared walk upon these lands."

Archalia slowly saw the tall dark handsome figure before her. She blushed slightly as she stood behind the stool. She knew she was in probably not supposed to be here but .. she honestly didn't know how she ended up here.. She tried the door but found it locked.. She noticed windows but could not reach them.. Hearing the sounds of the crashing waves she recalled seeing when she came upon the castle.. curious but pondering now if her curiosity has gotten her into some kind of trouble..

Ťŕēb Ѷąlśĥ Ďŕăčųŀ  Looking upon her he would say," What brings thee to Gethsemane and unto the land of the Dead mortal, What makes thee so brave or careless to walk amongst the dead and then history long past?

Archalia glanced to the harp then the door she had tried to get out"I... I.. merely was strolling along.. I came upon the sight of this magnificent castle that I had seen many times in the distances.. I... walked and walked... Suddenly I saw that I was upon the gates that led here... the gates were open... "She stopped when she heard him speak of the dead and history long past.. Surely this couldn't be the tale she had heard of as a child... it was a tale honestly one to cause fear in children... Not real. She took a deep breath as she seemed a bit concerned now."This.. this.. is Gethsemane... but this was a childhood story... surely you cant mean this was ... I mean is real?!"She hesitated some now...

Ťŕēb Ѷąlśĥ Ďŕăčųŀ  her stammered out words, the look of shock within her eyes, all to tell of the sudden realization of she was now having. When she finished speaking he simply held her gaze with his penetrating stare, His manner still cold as he would reply," A long time ago, a very long time ago indeed I learn t well that some stories we are told as youth have legit truths and meanings Indeed you do stand upon Gethsemane, land of long held story and history and I stand before thee one of the figures im sure you have well heard, I lady am Lord Treb Valsh Dracul and I bid thee Welcome and enter of thy on free will."

Ťŕēb Ѷąlśĥ Ďŕăčųŀ : and approach of thy own free will

Archalia held his stare as it was mesmerizing indeed. She seemed compelled to pay attention to his words. The coldness of his appearance as it seemed yet alluring in a strange fashion.. She would try to trail her gaze away but was still only looking unto him. Hearing his name .. hearing his verse as he welcomed her to enter of the lands on her free will and approach on her free will...Slowly stepping forth as it seemed what she needed to do.. why was it she felt compelled to step to a stranger she didn't know.. "You sir.. er.. Lord Treb as you say.. are one of those they spoke within the tale. The tale of darkness that seeps into your very soul sealing it as that to another.. taking the souls of many to hide within the deepest darkest void."She shook her blond locks some. Still trying to fathom what she has step upon . Lands of the lost shadow civilization... No she thought."IS this so as you speak?

Ťŕēb Ѷąlśĥ Ďŕăčųŀ  he simply stared upon her, His eyes boring deep. He allowed her to speak though little would he answer. Suddenly her mind to be filled with those erotic visions he used so often, Visions of lust unrestrained and of power un foretold to a mortal. All this he assailed her with as he said a Silent command, Loosen your top. Then his eyes would blaze as those fangs would extend to be seen.

Archalia suddenly feeling flush with such a passion of sensual erotic pleasures... slowly drawing her fingers to undo the clasps upon her dress as it would fall from her sensual form to pool at her boots... her fingers slowly trailing down her from as she stood there feeling as if she was thoroughly enraptured with such craving to be held, to be caressed .... to be taken... her breathing ever steady and slowly as her body began to surge upon the visions that clouded her logical thoughts...

Ťŕēb Ѷąlśĥ Ďŕăčųŀ  Seeing she had now done as he had so willed, He would move across to her as if carried upon the wind. His hand to lift as he spoke in some unknown tongue unto her. In truth calling upon the Dark Ones blessing in this Sacrifice before him, His curse to fall upon her just as his head suddenly snapped downward, His fangs piercing her jugular, no mercy or concern show, just that endless need to drink, to feed that hunger within him.

Archalia saw him approach as she closed her eyes.. only suddenly to open then as she felt such a wave of heat cascade over her entire flesh.. suddenly pain.. there was pain.. the pain surfaced suddenly but then a flush of rare unnatural presences came upon her...She couldn't move.. she could think.. feeling suddenly secure in a fashion as she was being held ...

Ťŕēb Ѷąlśĥ Ďŕăčųŀ  Having Drank as he had desired, yet not taking her life. HE stepped back to look upon her with those same cold eyes. His voice the same as before, As he would say, "And now you are of this land and of a time of decision to make. Soon your mortal existence will end, Your soul is now cursed and forever lost unto us. Welcome to gethsemane Lady Arch and now thee may Dress.

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