Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Lost on an Island

Verina had gotten a more and more bad mood in the last days after being stranded on the shores of one of the Barachan Islands, a pirate village nearby, and only living from the hand to the mouth by working lesser harbor jobs or helping as bouncer in the tavern of the place. She is Cimmerian, she is strong, but apparently no one wants to give her better paid jobs that pay enough over the long run to effort a ship journey back to the mainland. Until the night before. She had heard about a person missing, and a good price was offered to find that person back. The only trace had guided to the jungles behind the village. So on the morning she had gathered a few ratios, two bottles of rum, and packed it all to a sack which she had bount to the back of Vita. Then she went into the jungle with the girl, soon to be engulfed by the moist damp and dark green of the ancient rain forest, with all its smells and sounds, pushing the high plants aside and trying to follow a trace of heavy male boots, sailor boots. “Finally,” she grunts, in her rough Cimmerian dialect, “this will pay a bit at least! Come, cattle, I do not want to miss out on that because you slack!” It is nothing personal against the slave that she is so harsh, just her general mood.

Treban The battle with the beast had been hard, perhaps even more so then he had expected. Oh for sure he would not complain, he enjoyed the challenges thrown at him. Over the cliff and wrestling thru the brush, clawing, kicking, biting, and stabbing the battle had raged on for some time. Anyone to have been watching would surely have thought perhaps this man would fall to the beast. But as he was not one to let himself give up despite any pain he felt he fought like mad, fought like the warrior he was raised to be, sometime beaten and molded into. Once more he and the beast reached another cliff, a stream cascading over, Once more to roll over the edge finding him landing upon the beast. With a wide slinging blow, he would slam the ax to the side of the beast head with such force as to finally end the fight, the struggle, Would grunt to himself well satisfied he now had a meal for the night and a new fur to pack. Bloodied, torn, And smiling with such a satisfaction only a warrior would know well, He took the dagger from sheath and set into cutting the beast open, beginning the processs of cleaning as the noise of their battle had subsided.

Vita had been put the test over and over being now in the collar of the Cimmerian who had rescued her from the drowning death, and claimed her, as they arrived to these isles. Vita had been put to work mostly in the tavern they had been staying for quite some time now, serving the local visitors, helping in the kitchen and whatever chores that could bring her mistress an extra coin. Burnt out from the hard constant work she struggled to keep up with the already frustrated Cimmerian and Vita wished not to give her any reason for that to increase, and it was anything but graceful as she constantly had to duck from the branches that would swing back towards her continuously as they moved deeper into the jungles, the sack, rather heavy in the long run strapped to her back firmly. “Yes my mistress” she replied in somewhat weak tone of voice as if having little air left in her lungs, meanwhile her feet moved over and around little rocks, plants and bushes, constantly paying attention where she’d place her next step

Verina has been traveling meanwhile for quite a while, many hours, and, after beginning the journey the moment the sun came up, she can well feel the sun stand high in zenith over the jungle, burning down into the damp vastness of plants. The water runs down her body but mercilessly she tears the slave girl by a leash after herself, her leg muscles all tensed from the burden of passing this dense rain forest. The daily rain time would come soon, drown the air in heavy drops of water and myriads of them for about an hour or two. Suddenly she hears the sounds of battle, the roaring of a predator animal, and of… something else, another beast perhaps if listening to the sounds. Then the sounds stop with a numb gurgle of the one animal. She takes the leash into the left hand and carefully draws her sword from the sheath on her back with the other. As silent as she can, the rest of sounds drowned in the again resuming wilderness sounds, she approaches the spot where she had heard the sounds from. She had not many information about the whereabouts or possible locations of the person she seeks, but she considers she has maybe caught up…

Treban set about his work, slicing perfectly down the center of the beasts ribs, down across the stomache and when satified he set the dagger aside a moment. It was at this point he heard what could have been faint breathing nearby and the sound perhaps of a twig breaking. Bracing himself for another attack, he would still make as if he had not noticed. Gripping the fur and flesh he just split and with massive strength tearing the beast wide open, his muscles tault and rippling in his actions, the beast intestines pouring out, the stench of blood now heavy in the air. He reached in and forcing his hand to the chest cavity. Finding the heart, he would jerk and pull until ripping it from the beast as he thought: “Indeed you had the heart of th warrior, beast, but alas no match for another like you as I am the one to pleasure from the spoils here”. He would glance from time to time in the direction of those sounds, wondering if indeed he was being watched as he brought that heart to his lips and would bite into it, the blood coursing down over his chin as he took the blood and taste of his adversary as was taught unto him so long ago.

Vita hesitated for just a brief moment as she’d with the back of her hand wipe her forehead clean from the little pearls that appeared over the surface of her skin from the efforts it was to keep up, but one firm tug on the leash replaced the next, yanking in her neck and nearly causing her to stumble serveral times as she moved over the slippery soft soil beneath her bare feet. Vita hearing the sounds of battle as well, tho in oppose to the Cimmerian, she were less keen about the further aproach, and a shiver of discomfer and nerviousity traced the surface of her skin. Listening carefully, paying close attention to every motion, every expression revealed by the Cimmerian as she’d keep a firm hold on the leash still, with the sword resting her in firm right hand, ready to fight whater the rain forrests would contain

Verina approaches the scene, yet from another side than the man perhaps expects something by coincidence. The jungle is full of animals, and breathing and eyes can be felt or even see everywhere. She watches the man, assesses him, how he splits the animal, guts it, then takes the prize for his victory in hunting. Surely a skilled hunter, she knows such, as well as the ritual, from her home high up in the north. The man, black haired and with bronzed skin, muscular like only few folks are, could actually be one of her folk, but she does not get the thought of it being possible even to meet one of her folk down so far south in the world. “Kendro of Bakala?!” She calls out, really not sure about the man, and hence calling him by the name of the person she was set out to find, standing on a hill over the man and pushing aside the bushes without fear. She does not respect the fighting skills of pirates, although this one is surprisingly far more strong according to looks than she was told. Yet she has not seen the man’s face clearly, only a part and that was rather bloody.

Treban Indeed he had heard the approach before she stepped into view. Yet he sat still unconcerned as he tore into that heart once more, not letting anything distract him from the taste of this small victory. Finally he would reach up and wipe the blood from his face as she called out to him. Clearly she was looking for someone else. He tilted his head around to look up to her and would show a bit of suprise, she having the look of a woman of his home, though perhaps no one he knew, would trail eyes over her form and admire quietly her shape as a man would indeed. He caught glimpse perhaps of the slave with her, but his attention went to the weapon in the womans grip. Finally he would call back in a dispassionate tone: “There are those that rush to aid in battle and those that stand and watch, there is indeed those that await an opportunity to strike at a victor. Now you can stand there or you can attack or you can come down to share of this bouty, either way makes little matter to me. But do keep the shouting down and the noise you made moving thru that brush. As for what ever name you called out… I never heard of it. Seems I’m the only one here in this forest, at least until now.”

Vita followed her mistress silently, she’d struggle to keep her breathe calm and quiet as her eyes searched for a visual, standing in the shadow of the Cimmerian she had to lean to the side a bit, catching a peek through the branches and leafs. There he was, he eyes could now see what they had only been able to hear before, a strong and very tall northern man, every inch of his body covered with another muscle, gleaming in the few rays of sunlight that would make their way through the heavy crowns of leafs above them, and the blood from a beast dripping from his jaw after the finished ritual she had never yet observed before. Vita would instinctly tug on the leash as the Cimmeran called out to him, but even if she’d put all her effort into this, there were no where to run, and her strength were no match, by force all she could do were stand there as her heart skipped a beat with the brief moment of attention he paid her.

Verina ignores the first part of his words, especially as she recognizes the dialect and tongue of the man, proving him to be one of her kin finally. She shortens the leash of the slave girl in tow, holds her as if the leash was a grip of the collar itself, and walks down the hillslope with lowered blade. “Why should I attack a victor if I would be invited to his feast of victory for I am of his clan, Treban of the Snowhawk clan?” She asks, knowing him actually. She had lived a bit away, half a day maybe, of the rest of the clan for most her life, most her training in the mysterious arts of Shamanism and Crom. And only disguised she was allowed to return for high celebrations of the clan in that time, and so she had seen him grow aside of herself while herself having had to remain mostly hidden and passive for those feasts. “I am Verina of the Snowhawks, advisor meanwhile to your father.” She continues, plants, meanwhile standing infront of him, the sword by the tip into the soil and reaches out her hand for Cimmerian greeting to him, not minding his fist being bloody at all. “This,” she adds, “I named Vita, for I saved her life somehow when our ship had sunken, and she owes me her life.”

Treban Her voice as she spoke more to ring forth a distant memory, so long now he had been gone from those old lands. Indeed he remembered her even as she made her introduction. At times in the past and as a younger man having done as such would do, to seek glimpses of her even in moments she would not be aware, all these thoughts to play through his mind as both they stood near to him. He reached out in that old greeting of customs he was now rusty at, His eyes meet hers as if making sure she was not a vision conjured from his fall from the cliff with th beast. Indeed as she would be so near she would see the wounds upon him, some still bleeding pretty well, even from the bites of the beast. Finally finding voice he would remark,”Seems I have been away from home too long, not having expected to ever see you again… well anyone from home.” He would then regard the slave with an appreciative look, his eyes filled with a hunger for both they would perhaps sense. He would say to her: “Greetings Little one, Take care of the rest of this beast and prepare for a feat for us all, in this moment of reunion.” His eyes would then turn back upon Verina and he would add: “So my father still lives I gather?”

Vita let a quiet gaps just escape her lips as the leash were shortened even, wrapped around the wrist of the Cimmerian who then aproached him, accepting his invitation and pulling her along till they faced him up close. Vita’s eyes in a discrete fashion would explore him, admire his form, the form of a warrior of the north, he appeared very different from the men of her homelands, much taller, much more muscular and somewhat rough and unpolished, and he indeed facinated her. A hint of a shy smile would answer him as she seemed to have caught his eyes for a brief moment of hesitation as she could almost feel his touch running over her body as he observed them both. “Yes master” she replied and would kneel into the soft soil just before the dead beast, should the Cimmerian allow her some more length of the leash so she could do as demanded

Verina lets go of the leash so the girl can do as commanded. She does not hold back her property to obey to commands of her clanspeople if the property is not busied else of course. “Find dry wood, slave, before the noon rains set it…” She commands so, looking up as if hoping to see when the rains would come – which should be soon – though not seeing anything through the foliage of the jungle tops, “hurry! Bring it and I will ignite it.” Then she turns back to the man. “Explains why you went missing for the last years….” she means briefly, “and yes, he is still alive and strong, should he not be sent to Crom by pesky Aesir or Vanir in the last two moons, which I doubt…. but you need care, those wounds look not nice, and even less in these damp jungles, so far away from Mount Crom, they will not heal well. Let me help you, Treban.” She takes her blade, cleans the tip over her boot’s side and sheathes it again. Then already she crouches down towards the man, reaching for his crude garment’s upper body coverings to hopefully remove them. She is not aware that he knows her, that he had sneaked up on her – her training hard and rich on austerity, so even in the time the other youngsters in her age prepared to get married, mate and form children, even when her body first time felt ready for that and her mind focused on such, she could not, was not allowed, not given time.

Treban regarded them still, his eyes to move from one to the other as more commands were directed, such was the life of a slave to keep doing and never question. He thought of home in those moments and the things that took him away, things he would not share to anyone so soon. Taking his own dagger back up and cleaning the blade, he would return to sheath as she spoke and moved to him. Her attention of his wounds the first to remind him he had suffered. Alas though not one to complain he allowed her attentions to him. Arms lifted as the thread bare garments were peeled from strong well formed uper body, once more his muscles to ripple in his movement. Aye indeed he watched her, took in her every word. Watched even as the slave set about to doing all she had been instriucted, he would then say: “Sometimes we all have to set off on adventure, to find ourselves, would you not agree Woman? As for me, I think I just got lost in time and had no desire to rush. Have made a good profit in my travels, Perhaps even enough to return home with even more of a respect.”

Vita was just about to cut into the flesh of the beast as another demand was brought upon her by the Cimmerian, and she raised back up onto her feet. “Yes my mistress” she replied and paid Trebon just another little smile of her shyness as his attention would meet her yet again before she dissapeared in between the heavy planting of the rain forest tho she dared not to move further away than she was still able to hear them, Vita had absolutely no sense of geographics and would get lost on her own out here easily. She could be heard as she moved swift between the branches and leafs, picking up the few dry branches and leafs she could find in the otherwise moist envioment. Constantly she’d pay the sky attention, though she could only catch very little look of it up between the heavy treetops, but she could see well enough to know the clouds gathering in a heavy blanket above, about to spill their contents over the rain forrests. Vita had only managed to gather enough for a little campfire, but it would have to do as she ran out of time and made her way back into the tiny opening where Trebon and Verina awaited her return

Verina tears the sack of supplies off the girl’s back before she darts into the surroundings to do as commanded. “Hurry!” She snorts after her nevertheless, then opens the sack. She takes out a bottle of rum, and pours some of it onto her palm. Again and again she does so, and uses the distilled drink to clean the wounds of the man. She has no medical equipment here, the little that is known to her people anyways, and for magical rituals the wounds are not dangerous enough – each magical ritual meaning that a toll has to be paid to the spirits, and as it is usually quid pro quo, likewise for the desired, also a simple healing can mean an even more dangerous outcome. FInally, and emptying the bottle by that, she pours the rum over big leafs of a random yet not poisonous jungle plant and binds those tightly over the wounds of the man to still the bleeding at least. She does not mind that the alcohol would burn in the wounds, and would not expect a Cimmerian to cry about it. “Keep focus on the slave,” she means while concentratedly working on the first aid – not liking slaves to try to flee, yet neither assuming that this girl would do such anyways. But one never knows. As the girl finally returns then, she stands up, takes the wood from her rudely, and cuffs her cheek so hard that the girl might land in the dirt even. “You took too much time, you are faster from now on!” She grunts, the light under the treetops dim meanwhile from the sky clouded so darkly. Quickly she works to set up the fire, in a place at least somewhat covered from midsized, leaf heavy trees. “Laoghen, the son of the chief of Connal’s Valley I think challenged me to find something, hence I am away from the clan. Adventure comes by various ways….” she narrates meanwhile.

Treban her attention to his wounds, the burning of the rum to be noticed but not reacted to. If anything he hated to see such fine drink wasted, but knowing of the horns full in his pack he did not make comment. Once Vita returned with the wood and verina rose and went to her, He simply removed his boots in that moment. Just as verinas hand cuffed across the face of the slave, he allowed his soiled and bloodied kilt to drop and turned toward the water fall and stream. Not knowing whether she was done with her healing or not, he simply walked bare before them and enter into that cold pool, the water of the fall to steam over him as he washed away the dirt, the blood and the sweat. Finally to call back to them and say, “There is a village here, perhaps once used for shelter by pirates, though none I have seen in quiet some time, but never the less good to remain on watch…” With that said he ran his hands through his hair, his body arched back to let the water run through to remove any soil that had gotten matted during his struggle with the beast. His strong body to shine in the water from an occassional ray of light to break forth through the clouds and the forest.

Vita were met with just the wrath of the Cimmerian as she returned with the demanded firewoods that were taken from her hands in a rude fashion, the rough surface of the branches nearly ripping into the soft skin on her lower arms though somehow she got away with just a few rifts, and before she could even react to it she landed into the soft soil beneath her, besides the dead beast, as her cheek were met with the firm hand of frustration and anger. Vita could just see the outline of the tall man from the north as he undressed, out the corner of an eye, but for the moment she had one thing in mind only, the work that yet remained to be done, and as quickly she had landed in the dirt she replied, “yes my mistress” and pushed herself back up onto her knees besides the beast that still needed some preparation. Working as fast she could, constantly attentive of the Cimmerian she’d skin the beast, gently not to harm the leathers which would surely be worth a good few coins, or useful to themselves. and with care as the clean tender meat revealed she’d cut serveral good pieces of decent size, yet no bigger than the tiny campfire would be able to burn long enough for the meat to be roasted well

Verina starts to prepare the fire during the girl battling herself up and doing her work on the meat. She cannot prevent to look over to the man either, never having laid really with a strong Cimmerian, but also – in her eyes inferior – men from the south. Her body reacts to it, but she had learned to control herself during her training to become a clan’s shamaness. And now there are other things to do than to enjoy flesh mutually in the midst of a jungle. As the girl is done cutting meat slices, she takes also those from her, the fire meanwhile burning, and whispers to her: “Undress, Vita, care to wash him so the leafbandages do not get harmed.” And begins to impale the meat on wooden sticks to stand diagonally over the fire, to begin to roast – close to the fire so it would be faster. “Treban, I have heard about such village, or rather a place with a statue of an ape god. Is such statue there? I have business in such place.” She calls over to him, trying to oversound the waterfall that must ring loud in his ears, “perhaps you can accompany me, then we can split the reward, which is not a bad one for the task given….”

Treban Inded he had heard her as he moved closer to kneel and lower down in the water. His body showing the first signs of being tired as the muck was washed away from him. Perhaps it was the long hunting and battle with the beast, the loss of blood or that he had tracked the beast day and night for three days straight with no sleep. He simply lowered there and laid back, his head leaning back over a smooth stone, his eyes to drift closed as he replied: “Aye there is indeed a statue there, Though if any business you have there will most likely be with spirits. I have seen none there save one man I had to kill. Seems he stood in my way of a box filled with coin. Of course I will travel with you there, family backs family, though I may think it abandoned now who knows for sure.” And then he gave into his body, allowed the darkness to enfold him, would drift into that rest as the smell of the cooking meat wafted over to him.

Vita with ease just let the clean cut peaces of meat slide out between her fingers as the Cimmerian get hold onto those and put them to roast above the flames. Vita meanwhile did not allow herself rest as she’d keep working the little knife through the beast, between flesh and skin, only as she’d recieve the whisper she put the knife to rest again, and her eyes briefly looking over the strong form, shining and glimmering in the few sun rays that made it through the treefoliage and into the steam of water that pour down over him. She turned back to her mistress and pulled the tunic up over her head, revealing her body as she replied, “yes my mistress” and with a hint of hungry eyes even, though her shyness spoke loud within, she aproached the tall northern man

((A little break here, continued another day))

Verina listens to the man. “A chest of gold, might be a nice sideincome – I need coin to get away from these forsaken islands – else have to go with a pirate as his crew. That takes too long. I must get back to the mainland to find the Rattle of the Snake.” She means dry as the man cleans and the girl approaches him, “what I seek though is not a chest, but a single man who hideously walks through the land. He has stolen something, lore, knowledge, or such, and will stay hidden hence. I heard not much, but he might be strong, perhaps some kind of arcane thief.” She moves a bit back and sits down on a fallen tree as the girl surely would begin to happily care for the man.

Treban Would tilt his head and watch them both as he listened to Verinas order to the Bond and then words to him. He thought back to see if he had seen anyone of late, truth was all he had found were a few bodies. He would finally reply as he watched Vita move toward him,” I came across a few corpses upon my arrival here, I have heard screams throughout the Jungle but never a sign of a living soul. At times it has a feeling here of being desolated, cut off from the world. Oh to be sure not a unwelcome feeling. So I canna say I think ye will have much luck here, but then who is to say as if there are indeed people here they could be watching us even now.”

Vita made her way towards the tall northern man as demanded, one sway by her hip followed by the next as her eyes would briefly meet his, in a captivating stare, tho shy as she appeared she held her head low. A hint os blush could be traced on her cheeks as the distance between the two got smaller, until she stood in his reach. Vita did not pay much attention to the words shared between the two, her mindset kept busy with a desire she could not hide as her fingertips landed over the skin of his muscular back, coated in the fresh pure water that fell from above

Verina nods, not watching explicitly the work of the slave on the man, or what he might decide to do. “I better have success, I want to get off this island, I do not want the son of the chief of the other clan to win against me finding the …. whatever it is first.” She means. Slowly she takes her blade from its sheath, inspecting it, then begins to polish it’s blade’s sides with her bare palm. She does care for the iron, as no one knows yet which would be the secret of steel, and she does not want a mistake in that.

Treban He would lean back into the slaves hands, her fingers eliciting a low moan from him as he felt the tension easing. How long it had been since he had been touched by a woman, even a slave crossed his mind. And along with those thoughts he once more would remember spying on Verina back in thier old home, how he had immagined being with her, how the curves he spied on stirred him so much. Then he set to thinking on her words and would reply as his head leaned back against the slave, his one hand reaching back to run over her leg,” I will help if I can, though not certain of anything here on this land entirely, most of my time spent in the forest……alone. So long I have been here now”

Vita with hungry eyes looked over his shoulders, his back, with every motion he made the muscles tensing underneath the surface of his naked skin just before her. Her fingertips softly brushing over his upper body till she’d reached around to his chest at first, running the tip of her nails through his chest hairs before she lifted her hands to his jaws, and in a gently touch she’d gather his hair and brushing it over his shoulders, down his back, to reveal his face a little further in the steam of water. She leaned in a little closer, till her body softly touching his, and as if frozen for a moment she’d hold her breathe, trembling nervously, but clearly touched as his hand landed on her bare thigh. She had forgotten all about her surroundings, for within this very moment all she could do was picture the life she never got the chance to have

Verina looks up from her blade. “Your help is well appreciated. A clansman is the best help a Cimmerian can get!” She cherishes, then though gets more impatient. “Vita, get done, you are to help washing him, not to squirt your filth all over him!” She barks at the girl and presses herself off the fallen tree, her leg muscles tensening hard for a moment under her tanned, bronzed skin. The blade still in her fist, she points into a direction. “Is the village that way, or another?” She asks, eager to now find the person, get the lore and get off the forsaken island. “Will you,” she means, turning her head back to him, “accompany us as well when we seek on the mainland for the Rattle… whatever that is?” Her gaze shows determination, will for adventure, fame… and battle.

Treban He had been relishing the touch of the slave, his hand still caressing over her thigh, his arousal so apparent to both of them. His eyes set to a coldness as her impatience bled thru. He would let out a low breath as he tilted his head in the direction of the village. Finally he would simply push himself up and grab his pack as he would say,” Aye I will go, Though I hope you don’t mind the smell of the dead as I left them laying there where they fell.

Vita had closed her eyes meanwhile, in her own little daydream as her fingertips caressed his tough skin, and at first the voice seemed so distant to her. Only when the tall northern man were about to raise up onto his feet would Vita snap out of it, realizing where she was again, who she was, and more importantly the impatient Cimmerian just behind her, “yes my mistress” she finally replied as it took her a while to snap out of her fantasy, and she made her way back to the campfire, where the meat still hung above the flames for roasting, the smell of the tender meat surrounded them, but she knew well she’d be lucky if she got a taste of that at all

Verina laughs out. “Does a Cimmerian mind the smell of the dead fallen in battle?” She calls out, “May they pass Crom’s testing eye, and better not fail for else their worth is less by good margin!” She turns, almost having started already on her march into given direction, the sword still in her fist. Instead though she walks with firm steps to the slave girl and curls the girl’s long hair about her wrist, finishing with a tight grip of her fist against the roots of the hair. Hence leashed as such, bent forwards, naked still, she leads the girl further by her left fist towards they intend to go, letting the man lead. The meal had totally vanished in her mind, she totally lets it where it is, burn, then the fire decay, no more interest in it. Soon, too, they apparently reach said village. Not only it stinks of decay from the dead, the copper scent of blood, but also the sounds are irritating, as carrion eaters have begun to fill their animal bellies by the corpses’ flesh. “The one we seek is described as blond, short haired, a man of extreme volume and tall – fat and muscular. Do you remember to have slain one such?” She looks about. In fact one that might qualify lays just beneath the statue they had talked about earlier, but the head is already missing.

Treban growled and grumbled having to dress as he moved along with them. His eyes hard and full of rage now as he was disturbed from enjoying the pleasures of the flesh, pleasures of the meal he had so acquired in that battle with the beast. But then he would calm as he thought of the taste of the beasts heart and the blood flowing down his throat, Still aroused as he was drawn to her words, a sudden realization dawning upon him. Briskly he walked over to the small dock area, roughly kicked a corpse over onto its back and pointed down to the blond man, whose guts now spilled upon the surface, well what was left of them. He met Verinas gaze and would reply,” Now you see the truths on me, I leave no chane for anyone to rise back up against me. ” As if trying to add more meaning toward his words he would nod his head in another direction, The heads of a couple placed on stakes in the ground. A certain coldness and dispassionate air surrounding him as he would say finally,” I don’t like to loose… anything.

Vita lowered her head once, and twice with each step as the Cimmerian aproached her, Vita knew not what to expect, and she was no match to the barbarians strength as she got a firm and determined hold onto her hair, pulling it and bending her over, exposed and naked as she were. The simple talk going back and forth between the two, about slaughtering, the strench of corpses, was enough to fill her with discomfer, but she could do nothing but follow, bend over and lead by the careless hold in her hair it was a constant struggle

Verina had been scanning the area for the goal with her eyes, yet had not much hope to actually find the man, kinda considering him still alive and hidden or moved on. Yet as Treban shows a corpse she walks over, lays the hand with the sword into his fist, and tosses the girl straight into the dust aside. Then she, leaning on the man, reaches for the corpse and rips open the upper end of the dead, to find a symbol branded to his upper central chest. “That is him!” She means, “I never doubted you anyways!” Firmly but quick she pushes him aside end crouches to the dead, begins to seek through him for a while. Finally, from beneath the belt, she produces a small richly folded sheet of papyrus. She unfolds it, reveals a map with the strangest of symbols on it. “I cannot read that though… guess we hand it in for the reward, eh?” She means, “I know a good tavern where we worked and live, perhaps this is a time to celebrate a bit?”

Treban A cold smile to cross his face, his eyes even colder as he looked to her. From within his vest he produced another furled scroll, covered with blood yet holding a seal upon it of gold. He said after a moment,” This perhaps goes with that as I removed this scroll from him as well. Reward you say, aye indeed a celbration would be in order, especially amongst those from home. ” With that said he passes the scroll over to her, not mentioning the Gold coins he had removed from the man, 13 to be precise.

Vita without the slightest sign of grace she landed flat into the dirt as the Cimmerian got rid of her, and quietly she’d just observe them both out the corner of an eye as she pushed her hands into the ground, kneeling back up, at least the pain from the constant tugging in her hair was for a moment gone as they seemed more interested in the corpse

Verina snags the other card from the hand of the man. “Hideous!” She jokes and laughs, not minding, not even knowing about eventual coin. She was set on a man with knowledge, not a thief of coin so much. “They offered good coin yes, seemingly this was an adjutant of a pirate captain.” She explains, the hand with the sword still on his shoulder. Yet then she stands up and moves over to the slave girl, this time using the time to leash the naked girl. She looks over her and wonders a brief moment, had forgotten to give the girl time to dress. “Whatever…” she comments that, “guess no one in the city will mind the slut being naked. Lets go celebrate…” She adds instead, not caring about how embarassing that might be for the slave to be leaded naked through the public.

Treban A glint upon the ground near to the corpse to catch his eyes. Even as Verina had moved over to leash Vita. He lowered down and retrieved a ornately carved dager partly hidden in the mess from the corpse, wiping clean to discver the beauty of the Silver handled weapon. He places this to his belt, rises and walks to them, reaches down and gripes Vitas right breast, squeezes and remarks,” Aye a celebration and pleasuring for true, There is much bounty that awaits us.” Then remembering the symbol on the mans chest sparks a recollection, he removes one of the gold coins from his pouch to reveal the same symbol upon it, tosses the coin over to Verina for her comments.

Vita looked over to them occasionally as she kneeled there, keeping quiet, it was only as the Cimmerian aproached her yet again that she’d raise her chin up a little bit, finding herself leashed the moment after, it was at least less painful than to be drug along by her hair. Vita had not until now been too bothered bout her own nudity, it was only with the mensioning of what awaited her that she lower her head, in a shameful expression, within this moment that hand of the tall northern man laid onto her bare breast did not seem to draw the slightest of emotions from her, all she could think of were the eyes of a street full of villagers, laid onto her naked skin, as lead through the crowd in a short leash

Verina holds the slave girl indeed by short leash, so short actually that the side of her fist touches yet the ring on the collar to which the leash is attached to. She catches the coin. “What is this?” She asks, “some kind of local coin? Looks like a strange good on it, maybe a cultist currency?” She goes, dragging the girl, to inspect, too, the tattoo. “Hmm,” she just comments, “interesting, perhaps a new task for good coin right after this. But here, look… the symbols in the middle… framed by a rattle snake with a really big rattle. Perhaps a trace, eh?” She looks excitedly to the man, adding then: “Too bad he is dead and we cannot question him – we need to find his comrades, but first I wish a drink!”

Treban Simply nods along with her words. Then just as abruptly turns and heads toward the forest path.No thought given to the beast he had planned on for a meal now. He moves like he has a purpose, his body straight, his muscles to ripple with each movement. He Whistles an old tune from thier home, something indeed about him that has him lifted in spirit. He calls back to her, “Well what are you both bloody waiting on, time to get off this rock and head to More suitable surroundings.

Vita held by the leash she could do nothing but keep up as the Cimmerian simply dragging her along, but Vita as well desired to get off this island, and that could only happen too slowly, tho her discomfer visibly would increase as they aproached the city at a sterdy phase

Verina laughs out as she follows the man, content about having found the pieces of papyrus, though a bit sad that she had missed the battle. Soon, just few hours later, the night already having fallen, they reach the village again, the village that consists mostly of harbor and pirate ships, and enter the tavern. She leaves the girl with the man – their table meanwhile not touched by anyone of the village – to deal with the task giver. As she returns, two maids of the house follow her, with rich meals, and several mugs of drinks. “I guess we can celebrate now.” She means

Treban He glances over Vita as Verina went to make dealings with tavern keeper. Upon her returning he reaches out and grabs one of the Horns of mead. Turning up and drinking deeply, some of the liquid washing down over his chin, he would drag a plate near to him, using his fingers would begin to eat as his eyes fell upon Verina once more to say,” So now from here tis up to you. I dare say you have found what you came for”

Vita kept her head low just as lead by the leash through the crowded streets, and her nudity so exposed in public did not go by unnoticed, Vita dared not to raise her eyes, she could feel the men nearly touching her as they eyed her up and down from top to toe, like a piece of meat, some hands even reached for her, touching her bare skin as they passed by, the shivers and the discomfer were drawned in her every emotion and slightest hint of bodylanguage. Left outside the tavern with the northern man, one could see the heads down the street turning, the men starring at her, in the most obvious fashion

Verina finds her place with the others, tossing the girl also a tunic of hides and rough fabrics, then grabs for a mug of ale herself. “Indeed such, and they want us to find something on the map, told me how to read it. They will pay a well twenty gold for it.” She means, not minding listeners, “Might be… we can find a lot of battle where we need to head – and afterwards we will get a ride to the mainland, over the night, armed merchant, fence ship.” And with that she begins to eat as well, feast with the others, including the two slave girls, until the desire to move… ‘upstairs’… hits her…

((further feasting FTB’ed due to dinner time…))

Verina chants “thank you kindly, Treban” as she reaches around his waist from behind to undo the weaponbelt – only, not the pants – and then the shoulder protector as well, “Lay down if you like, the furs are soft and yet new, not soiled yet”

Treban Would tilt his head and feel her arms slip around, the weapons being removed and follower by the shoulder armour. Honestly he was too tired to debate, simply allowed as such and after wound indeed lower and lay back as he looked to her and Said, Indeed I could use rest”

Vita followed them both into the little room, making sure to close the door behind them and lowers herself to the knees, onto the soft fur rugs that coated the otherwise rough wooden floor, occasionally paying them each a brief moment of attention tho she remained quiet, with her head held low

Verina nods and watches him lay down onto the furs. “Vita, get wine, cooled white and room temperatured red one, two tin goblets, fetch too some warm roast, cheese and bread…” She commands the girl as she places her own weapon aside and takes a priorly prepared bowl of fruits, mainly grapes. She moves to the man and straddles herself onto his hips.

Treban would draw in a breath as he listened to the words spoken, as his eyes moved from one to the other. He would then watch as Topaz took up the bowl of fruits and moved over to him, straddeling over him and lowering. This side of her he had never seen, well not that he had allowed as he was always one trying to take or to rush. Never the less he would not complain, was indeed happy that for once there was no pressure or expectations upon him. He looked up into her gaze as he thought and would finally say,” You indeed suprise me lass and honor me with this event”

Vita “yes my mistress” she replied and made her way back downstairs and into the storage room first, fetching the wines, the cool white one and the tempatured red one before she’d continue into the kitchen, collecting cheese, bread, and a good amount of the warm roast. Vita about now were rather familiar within the tavern and it didnt took her long before she had it all resting on a big round wooden trey, and she finally picked out two thin goblets before making her way back upstairs, giving the door a little push she walked backwards into the room again with the big trey full of foods and wines. With the back of her heel she closed the door after herself as she threw her head to the side, getting rid of those few stray hair that had made their way across her face, then she gracefully kneeled besides the two, putting the trey to rest between them and herself, with a soft little smile tracing across her lips she lowered her head

Verina places the fruit bowl aside a moment, and reaches to her back, to fumble open the straps that hold the leather top, a collection of broad straps pulled about her upper body, and to undo the top from her body. She smiles down, a bit mischievously only. “Also a Cimmerian can at times surprise others and also other than on the battlefield,” she says, actually friendly toned in her else rather hard accent of the northern barbarians, the descendants of Atlantis. She takes a bunch of grapes from the bowl and begins to plug off single ones, offering to feed him with those from her position, kneeling on his lap with her legs left and right. She offers thus one after the other grape, one by one, and only pauses as the slave returns. Then she reaches to the wine and the goblets to fill one each with cool white and the other with temperatured red wine, offering then either to the man to take whichever he would like. “There’s good meals in the house here, and there’ warmth and fire, Treban,” she says soft toned, “I invite you to warm yourself… at my fire.”

Treban his manner much more calm then she had known of him in th past, A look about his face of acceptance and certainity, a man to meet and accept anything placed in his life. His eyes would follow the bond as she went to collect th goods as instructed, would indeed follow her as she returned to the rook and lowered near to them placing the tray before them. He offer a smile, classic of th old Treb from long ago. Then his eyes returned to Topaz, how she looked sitting upon him in that moment, bringing back a rush of memories from lifetimes ago. His eyes would grow a bit wide as she sat that bowl aside and loosened her upper leathers and remove them. Instinctively he wanted to reach up and caress a full breast, but she would not how well he controlled himself desite what she would see in his eyes amidst all the jumble of things shinning thru them. He gladly accepted as she began to feed him of those grapes, relishing the taste as he listened unto her soft spoken words, Then accepting the red wine from her he would sip and small amount then reply to her,” Indeed life offers much and the joy of being near someone from my beginnings does indeed warm a otherwise cold heart. I welcome the warmth of your fire lady”

Vita noticed the brief moment of attention offered her from the man as she had kneeled into the softness of the fur rugs, with a little glimse in her eye she returned the smile, a hint of blush could be traced over her cheeks as she sat there. Vita’s eyes would a brief moment but in her own shy and discrete fashion travel over the muscular body of the man laying just before her, with her mistress on top. Vita herself had not been with a man for quite a while, and for a moment she’d hunger, she’d desire, but the only visible sign of her thoughts were a soft tug onto her low lip

Verina surely sees the glitter in his eyes as his pupils follow her motions, then pierce hot into the flesh of her firm voluminous breasts, but does not comment it either. She does know nothing about the shifting of the dimensions that apparently brought her world close to the one in which her alter ego had met this man years ago, many years, but by the dimensions being close she feels to know him nevertheless and be very familiar with him. Only the most old and wise of mages and seers could explain such – yet still she would not mind given they dwell in a relative luxury now for the moment. Instead she drinks parallel to him from the white wine in the goblet, then places it aside and takes, again, the grapes. Before resuming to feed him though, she reaches for his hand and places it right onto her right breast so he might feel the warm mountain, feel perhaps her heart beating beneath. “There is no reason to not enjoy, there is no foe any close, and where peace reigns, as scarce in times they do, one shall enjoy, shall one not?” She asks, then looks over to Vita. “Kneel closer, slave girl, your body might be, too, to his liking.” She says, in normal tone, though known to be of short temper and little forgetting only should her commands be disobeyed. Then she takes a grape between her fleshy lips and leans down, to feed it to him from right her own mouth.

Treban He was amazed for lack of a better word or description, His eyes to follow her ever move and sway as she sipped from her own wine. His eyes followed her own to the Bond waiting quietly near, once more that smile as he would nod slightly in approval of what he heard ordered. Thnbe he would rreturn his gaze upon Topaz, His body more relazed, the warmth seeping from her affecting him much like a drug. He took another drink from his own wine goblet, much deeper as he shifted a bit given hint to the affect she indeed had upon him. His intake of breath as she would then take his hand after and bring to her breast to be heard by both. His fingers to softly knead the flesh, thumb to caress over nipple as he held her gaze in that moment. The as she would place the grape between her lips and lean forward bringing to his own, he would nibble just a portion of the grape before turning to a soft kiss to her, his right hand to caress over her leg as he wondered quietly if he had indeed died this morning and passed onto that fabled Vahalla.

Vita landed her eyelids in a soft blink as her mistress words would snap her out of her own thoughts and demand her closer to the two, a little shiver rushing over the surface of her bare skin as she inched closer, slowly tho not showing too much of a hesitation, she knew well the short fuse Verina at times would have towards herself and the other girl who currently were not presence. The desire within Vita’s eyes she could no longer hide as the distance between the strong man and herself were closed, his attention yet again meeting her eyes, sending a delightful tinklish rush into her stomach. Vita would shift her attention between the two as if not knowing where to put herself

Verina marvels a bit into the kiss before she withdraws again, sitting up again in front of him, The nipple of the breast he kneads grows against his thumb, firmly. It makes her a bit shacking as she reaches for her goblet again to drink from it, to actually empty it in one greedy draw, having a bit of the wine pour out aside her lips and over her chin and onto her breasts. She takes of the cheese and puts it together with a grape, to give him the mix as next. Only as he has eaten that, she reaches for the hip of the meanwhile closer kneeling slavegirl. She pushes her with strong arm closer and sidewards until she would kneel at the side of the shoulder of the man – enabling him to look right between her legs with a simple turn of his head. “I found this one when our ship sank, going from Stygia northwards,” she explains, “I did not know it was a slave transport, but she was washed to the shore aside of me here on the Barachan islands.” Then she leans forwards again, yet just a bit, to grab his shouldermuscles with her own strong fingers. She begins to feel his muscles, then probes for the rear shoulder and neck muscles, testing them all. “You are very tense, Treban, we should change that…” She adds, sounding a bit concerned. She points to the corner of the room for Vita. “Get the massage oil,” she commands the girl briefly, “and return right there then.”

Treban Yes he was tense, No way to describe all he had been dealing with on those far off lands. Nor would he desire so in this moment as he gave over freely and took of the pleasure so often denied to himself. His hand to continue to knead her full breast as she leaned back to give intruction to the bond once more. He would look to his right as the bond did as instructed, his bright gaze to move slowly over her form and to reast on her heat so close to him. He would reach out and caress with his right hand, capturing a feel of the warmth of her inner thighs before once more looking to Verina as she commanded the bond to get the oils. How he watched her as she downed her own wine, and spiling some down across her breast, Would lean up in that moment to lick the liquid from her before lowering back down. His movement to shift his arousal against her as she leaned forward locking her hands upon his shoulders. A low groan of part pleasure and response of his muscles to tell her so much. Finally he would take his own wine and drink down washing down the taste of the chesses she had fed to him and reply,” You know of course I would findit very unlikely I would ever desire to leave here. If for me this is indeed Vahalla and I have passed on then I welcome my fate.”

Vita inhaled in a quiet gasp as lead by Verina’s strong touch and braught to rest up besides the head of the Treban, with her sex exposed before him, very close. A brief moment seemed to Vita forever lasting, and with the touch of his hand reaching for her bare sensitive skin she freeze momentarily, enjoying his touch, and fearing all the same. She looked back up to Verina as she demanded the oil braught to her, and the very same moment Treban withdrew his hand from her inner thigh she quickly move over to the corner of the room, collecting the oil before she’d bring herself to rest on the exact same spot next to his head, and presenting them the message oil in a little bottle, held softly between her fingertips of both hands

Verina feels the knots of tension in his muscles, the shoulder muscles holding that – a sign for a man who is used to battle, but also to wage inner battles about the dramas of people around him, a leader, a coordinatior, a warlord. But also she feels his arousal – sitting on his lap – even through his pants and the strong but soft leather of her hip bands. It is much to her liking to feel such, and she moves her hips a bit to adjust it better on the center of his hips, to have his gender lay along her own folds under the fabrics that part both from each other. As he licks the wine from her she inhales lustfully, longdrawn, and holds his head in place gently just to stretch the moment until he lays back down a bit more. “It is not Valhalla, it is not Mount Crom,” she whispers breathlessly of own growing arousal, smelling also already the lusty scents of her slave girl, “but if you want to stay, then travel with me. Much adventure is to be had, much fame and gold to be gained, a many villains slain and a many feasts enjoyed.” She adds then, “and a strong swordarm on my side is always welcome – although I know to wield the sword, it is not my main skill…”. She looks up to the slave girl. “Massage his shoulders, upper back and chest, Vita,” she commands the girl, knowing how she longs for a man, giving her thus chance to touch him more and to present herself well to him. She, herself, slides a bit back, away also from his hand on her breast, and opens the laces that hold his pants shut, peeling then the pants down his legs, to pull them off together with his boots – unasked.

Treban He could but do no more than lay there, his mind awhirl with the events taking place. His body tense and yet to tremble as he fought within to control himself. Had they looked once more to his eyes would see the fire within, the raging passions and desires that were coursing thru him now. How he relished the nearness of them both, how he immagined the pleasures to be discovered, the adventure of life with them. The way she shifted on him, her own action to tell him she was just as aroused. Oh how much strength it took for him to not take hold of her in that moment, to ravage her as he so desired. Any lesser of a man would have done so but somehow he knew that perhaps, perhaps he earned more respect by being a man to control himself. This he would watch as he listened to her instruct the bond, oh yes the bond who of which he too saw her own desires bleeding thru. He looked from one to the other as she noted Verina shift back, drew in a breath as she took hold of his pants freeing his boy from them. Slowly to peel downward as his hard arousal sprang forward free of confinement, his botts and all cast off of him now. “No matter the name you call this place, It is indeed well worth being here. Indeed I think I shall become a face well know here of that you can be sure Lady.”

Vita‘s lust and desires so obvious, so exposed, along with her bare body before them both, her fingertips softly toying over the surface of the little bottle which contained the massage oil, those very same fingertips that hungered to feel what her eyes had admired just until now. She made her way up and around the back of his head, with a thigh very close to him on each side should he desire to bring his head to rest in her lap. Vita’s eyes shining brightly, revealing the hunger within as she’d pull the little cork out the bottle and let an amount of the aromatic oils pour into the palm of her hand before she put the bottle to rest within reach and rubbed her hands together, coating them in the slippery oils before she’d land a hand onto each of his shoulders. Touching him in a soft gently touch, feeling every shape of his muscular and tense form, her hands in a sensual fashion traveled over his rough skin as she’d subconsioucly tug onto her lower lip, spilling her every emotion and desire into the touch laid onto him as she worked one muscle after the other, making sure to meet his attention in a brief captivating stare each time the eyes of his would land into her own

Verina smiles at what she sees, a well sized, good grown shaft between highly muscular thighs, a healthy body overall, stealed by battle and hard work, under the head of a man used to make decisions ranging from life saving immideate ones to such altering the fate of many – but healthy and enduring. Kneeling over his knees, she slides a bit back even to his chins, and opens her belt then to take off the hip leathers that covered her hips before. She leans down then, her breasts pushing onto his inner thighs, then slides forwards, engulfing his hard shaft between her breasts. Only briefly she moves up and down, then lowers her head to his belly. Beginning to kiss the gentle haired, muscular belly of the man, she moves upwards, kissing and licking up the center of his body, between his well defined chest muscles, to his throat, up the chin that finds the beard hair press through again at this time of the day too, until her lips reach his lower lip. His shaft had slid down from between her breasts over her belly, and rests now captured and hard between his own belly and her mons, the heat of her sex feelable on his balls alone. “I’d enjoy to have such well known face aside me on the adventures, to fight aside the face’s swordarm,” she breathes, “but… I shall, before, proof to you that I am not… a lady!” Her eyes go up to the slave girl briefly, acknowledging her free action with a slight nod and lustful glance.

Treban There was not hiding the affect she had upon him, in truth no hiding the affect both of them were having upon him. His arousal throbbed, ached as he felt her eyes burning upon him. Oh how he was lost in her eyes in that moment as she would lean forward, How his body would nearly leap as her breast engulfed his hard shaft. Nor could he hold back the deep longing moan that would tell her he was indeed so ready and perhaps in someway tell her, perhaps thru his gaze that it was not often he allowed himself these pleasures. Oh he would writh at the ministration of her kisses trailing upward, would turn his head to the right unable or unwilling to stop himself from kissing the bonds right thigh then to nibble soft at th flesh. He would lift pressing that arousal tighter against her before once more thier lips would finally meet. Oh indeed the bonds touch on him had worked magic, the oils seeping into his flesh, and the heat trailing thru his body. His roight arm to reach back as his hand would seek out the bonds full right breast, squeeze and knead much as he had to Topaz. His left hand now slipping over Verinas back, coming down to cup over her ass drawing her in tighter against him. Her words, barely reaching his ears as he simply for the first time in so many years just gave himself to be who he was and had always needed to be, Himself, Treb.

Vita breathes quietly as her body tremble, to be within a brief moment free to follow and put action behind her desires, she was clearly a little nervous as her hands could explore him. Softly he’d be able to feel the tip of her nails as she worked his muscles, giving them a little rub and a squeeze, circling around those tense spots underneath his skin. At every chance she got her hands moved further down, around his neck and over his chest, her slippery fingertips brushing over the hairs, meanwhile she constantly kept part of her attention onto Verina, seeking her emotions, her aprooval, and as such were given she’d return her full attention again to Treborlee. For a moment Vita would freeze and loosen her grip to let her nails run across the surface of his skin in response to the lips that met her inner thigh, her left hand pulled back up around his neck, tracing it with her nails on the way back to his shoulder, meanwhile her breast were cupped by his firm hand, squeezing and feeling her as he pleased, and he’d feel her slightly erect nipple brush over the palm of his hand as she moaned softly, closing her eyes briefly she leaned her head back, exposing that collared neck as the tinkles rushed through her entire being

Verina looks up yet to the slave girl and seeing her reactions to his touch, by that misses his hand snaking down his back although she felt it well, just not conciously. As his hand reaches and grabs her tight bun she looks down to him again, lustfully and with heat glittering in her eyes much as the light of the torch in the separated alcove room flickers over her bronzed and meanwhile heat caused slightly sweaty skin. She parts her lips, over his, as he pulls her up, his shaft jumping from between his belly and her mons as she was pulled upwards and the glans now flickers against her petals, moist already, and connecting to his glans by that moisture. In her nose the mix of his manly scent mixes with the lust of the girl and the perfumed scents of the oil, raising her arousal even more. She reaches out her hands to, while he is kneading the girl’s breasts, find the inner thighs of the girl, both to find hold there as to knead her inner thighs close to her lust center with strong fingers. “Show me how hard a warrior can thrust his spear!” She groans down to him, lifting her hips slightly so he could move his own better, his glans by that leaving her folds by that – remaining only connected by a thick thread of her lust juices anymore.

Treban Her words, the sound of her voice so lust filled. His eyes ever burning over her then back to the bond as Verinas hands went to the bonds thighs. He would pinch the bonds nipple in that moment noting how erect it was becoming, his body sheened in sweat from th massive control upon himself he had tried to maintain. He noted how the light shown about them, how beautiful Verina’s body shown in the flicker. He would moan out once more as she lifted and shifted over him, the look in her eyes telling him much more then words could ever tell. It was in that moment, the touching of thoughts, of bodies, of the fire building between thm he acted much like the warrior he had aways been. Both his hands to drop to her hips as she offer that challenge of him to show her. He gripped hold of her so firmly and lifted, shifted till the head of his shaft was against her opening. Then in a sudden unmerciful thrust upward would impale his hard thick shaft full into her. Indeed he gave over to desire, gave into his lust and craving for her, would begin a mad pounding thrust upward slamming his shaft to her very core. He would lean upward best he could in that moment, capturing her right breast in his lips, that hard nipple sucked within as his tongue would tease and toy over it. His thrusting would become faster, the sounds of their bodies colliding wet and ringing about the room, the scent of thier sex filling the air to become much like a hynotic drug.

Vita discretely would roll her hips in a few tiny motions, their touch as they both over her sensitive skin would be so close to her for a while untouched sex, speaking out loud to her deepest desires, and most obvious hungers as her lustful eyes in a bit of a blur looked down at Treban with a seductive smile locked across her lips as her attention traced the outline of his facial shape, his strong cheekbones and the broad jaw, and the eyes so deep, so captivating the effect on her attention that had, her gaze lost within, each time her stare were returned. Vita would arc her back as she held her breathe for a moment, tho her lips parted in response to the fingertips of his capturing her erect nipple in a firm touch, her hands meanwhile did a lot more exploring than masaging as they continuesly paid his muscular shoulders and torso her full attention

Verina screams out in a a yell filled of lust – silencing the busy drinking and talking down in the tavern’s mainroom even for a moment before it sets in again, as he thrusts sudden and hard into her. The entire length of his yet mostly dry shaft tearing well on her moist petals, heating them up from the rubbing, a pleasant pain for her. And a continueing, slightly ebbing down and transforming into sheer sensations pain as he continues to pound into her makes her breath increase in pace and intensity, leaving her with parted lips. Her breasts over his face, her nipples sucked on, the lust floods her body also from the other side of her body that has longed for such a strong man so long – the southerners she had met in the last moons all rather slim and hideous than strong. She alters her grip on the girl, takes her by the rear hip with one hand, pushing on the bosom with the other to bend her upper body back and else leave her kneeling. As she has managed such, she lifts the girl by the hips and pulls her closer until her face burries against the folds of the girl, smelling her lust scents. Her face is being rythmically shoved against the folds of the girl by the man’s hard thrusts, and greedily she begins to lick through the wet petals, sucking soundly on her, pulling on single labia now and then with her teeth.

Treban was indeed wild in his wanting, a man uncontrollable now a he gave over to those desires and passions. The scent of thier sex intoxicating to him as he Pounded even harder, much like a beast that had escaped to run rampage in a breeding frenzy. He would lift Verina higher, only to jerk her back do so hard, the head of his shaft slamming to her cervix. Faster and faster each time, his tight sack slapping loudly against thighs. He noted as Verina locked her mouth onto the Bonds heat, could not help but smile as he pounded into Verina so. Over and over that massive shaft plowing into her, sporeading her even as she ould clamp around him as if to hold him still. He suckled at each of her breast so hard, so hungrily as if he would drink from them, would turn to lite nipples and teasing with his tongue as he would only become more wild with her.

Vita moans in a rather lustful and almost mischievious fashion as the scream of Verina would silence the whole tavern for a brief moment, for the time being she did not pay attention to her shackles, nor the collar, within this very moment her desires spoke louder as she were permitted to take part in the heat. Vita wanted this just as badly as they did, and with ease her back arced in a big curve meanwhile her hips lifted just enough for her exposed and already moist sex to meet the hungry lips of her mistress as her body starts trembling from the touch alone she hungered, one hand reaching back into the fur rugs, the other instictly reached out to brush through the thick hair of Verina as her heart started pounding faster

Verina did not have had a man in many months, only the feel of passing deserts, deep cellars and old catacombs on their quest for the Rattle of the Snake which she by now did not even know what it was exactly, just rough whereabouts. Her body was starved for this, and a Cimmerian, even more one known from her own clan, a strong and battle experienced warrior, strong in body but also in will, controlled until fully unleashed, was just the best a Cimmerian woman could hope for. The intense thrusting into her, so deeply, so hard and fast into her tight tunnel, against the gate of her inner sanctuary, together with the firm play on her breast and the scents and tastes of the slave girl, a drink she desires much actually, do the rest and take the best from her. Without holding back, she just lets herself fall into the peaceful battle of lust, a battle without blood and gore, a battle just for the sensations of them all. Deeply she lets her tongue run through the folds of the girl, upwards until she finds the tiny pearl, begins to suck on that for a while. Then only she ceases, ceases any own motion on top of the warrior, tenses up entirely rather, cramps more and more and only his brutally strong thrusts move her body anymore. She parts her lips, and a low roaring comes first silently from her deepest throat, until she lets go a loud groan of orgasm until lack of breath tunes that down to a lustful whimper. “Vita!” She croaks anymore, and slides off the man, also to not get his load into her – not knowing if she could get ex-post contraceptive herbs in the area, she rather does not want his seed within her… Yet…

Treban how he let himself go, how he ravaged her body, his thrusting so hard to surely bruise her, leaving her marked for days to know well of his use of her. His attention to her breast just as intense, sucking, biting and to tease with that tongue. Oh indeed much more than he would appear in the savageness of his lust. He felt her body responding to him, knew well she would draw close as she clamped him within her oven harder. His own release there and present but still under his control. Finally that cry that tore from her after one Particular hard thrust giving him what he desired from her. Feeling her coating him in her release and he would but thrust even more brutally. Her command to the bond sudden as she would leap from him, a knowing smile as he watched the bond approach, so wild still he wound grab her and roughly pull her down upon him, thrusting that hard shaft into her without warning, without mercy. Would set to intense thrusting as he would then not where Verinas position was. His arms would snake back, hands seizing hold of her as he would pull her roughly forward, drawing her heat down upon his mouth, his tongue to immediately drive within her. Lapping, sucking, capturing the nectar of her release, to moan out against her relishing the taste. All the while his hips thrust harder upward, his body shaking and drenched with sweat. Oh indeed no pleasure such as this experienced in so long, he would become even more brutal on his use of the bond the best he could from his position.

Vita shaky and weak her body gave into the rapid touch of the tounge exploring and caressing her sintive inner walls, pressing and twisting up into her lustful sex that coated Verinas lips with her juices of desire, meanwhile tiny pearls of sweat would coat her own skin in the ambient light that were thrown into the little room by the few torches that kept the tavern lit up. Vita recived one delightful rush of joy after another, the breath of Verina touching her sensitive skin with each thrust as the shafts full length were pushed into her all the same. Vita she rolls her eyes in joy, the dear sensation of the hungry touch over her exposed pearl that she had missed for so long were rushing into her body that so much welcomed it visibly, every inch of her skin, shouting out loud her desires, her hunger for more and her lips could barely speak out the words in her big blur as Verina moved aside, demanding now herself onto the strong northern man before her, and his words followed right after. Vita barely managed to move over him before she were grabbed with force bu those strong hands and put to rest over his hips to recieve the full length of his shaft then. Coated already with Verinas juices of lust, and Vita’s own sex soaked already from the touch of an exploring tongue she’d recieve his cock with ease and let a loud gasp of joy break the silence, she did not mind the rough handling, she desired it openly as her fingernails ran across his oiled and slippery chest meanwhile her strembling body hopping up and down to swallow hes manhood, again and again nearly turned the white of her eyes out as the pleasure would speak louder than her selfconciousness and her breasts just bouncing with each thrust

Verina is usually very strong, enduring, but the last days were very stressy, hard, filled with battles and drinking and being careful all without much sleep. Never would she admit that, but after this intense orgasm that had come so fast, she is exhausted, too exhausted to object to his surprising grip to her hips – not that she would want to object anyways, but still she would never admit out of her Cimmerian pride. So, moments after rolling off him, from his shaft, only, she feels herself positioned, kneels again with her legs aside his shoulders even, her still bucking hips exposing her lust covered folds to him, and she begins to feel his tongue first over her yet hot folds, hot in a mix of lust and the pain from the bruises of his hard thrusts, his hard body clashing against her own, then pressing into her where moments before his lance had been. She arches backwards, burries her hands and arms in her long black hair, closes her eyes, enjoys as her folds clench around his tongue. The orgasmic whimpering which had not stopped by now even turns into a lustful moaning again. She knows that her juices cover his face as much as he licks into her burning tunnel’s entrance.

Treban No thought to cross his mind but of the pleasures about. His hands having returned to the bonds hips to grip hold of her tightly. Fingers digging into her flesh as he would lift her much like Verina earlier and slam her back down onto his hard throbbing shaft. Indeed he was not gentle, having been so long without a womans touch, let alone that of a Bond. He simply took as he wanted, as the warrior he was, one claiming all in a battle. Over and over his shaft to drive to her very core, seemingly to split her wide in his use of her. His hot mouth demanding of Verinas heat, his tounge flicking over just that right spot, toying with her nub and biting occassionaly. He would suck, lick, lap and taste. His face indeed coated with her juice and his attentions to her demanding more. He would continue to pound up to the bond, each time her nails dug into him only making him more wild and mad in his lust. He became like a wild animal, fucking her in such a wanting animalistic frenzy. If anyone below were indeed listening would perhaps have to wonder what had been unleashed up here. The sounds, the screams and cries the moans all to tell a story unto thier own.

Vita expands easily around the size of his massive and erect cock as its full length is thrusted up deep inside her, and her body as if his to take and do with as he desire would rest between his hands as they held onto her hips firmly, pulled her back down with force just as quickly as her thighs lifted from his hips they were slammed right back down ontop of him and the head meeting her cervix rapidly, wildly and uncontrolled she moaned and struggled to maintain the slightest of focus tho it would even so drift away as his pulsating member did not for once allow her body ease. Vita’s hands meanwhile exploring, as if lost they were everywhere, across his neck, down his chest and muscular stomach would he allow her to climb every muscle, every inch of his sweat and oil coated skin

Verina slowly regains some strength as the last days’ pressures fall off her by her mind being disengaged by the sexual sensations that climaxed already and are yet not left in peace by the Cimmerian warrior beneath them. She squirms her hips as if to escape his exploring tongue and lips finding her pearl, sucking and biting into it, mixing pain with pleasure, and keeping her climax in place about. Her thigh muscles all tensed up by that, she just leans forwards, grabbing and finding hold on the cheeks and sides of the head of the slave girl. She leans in and presses her lips in demanding kiss onto those of the slave girl, pushes her lips open and her own tongue into her mouth. Her breasts heave in strong breathing, her nostrils flare wildly as she devours the girl that rocks against her face by the strong thrusts of the man. Goraning further into the kiss, she regains more strength even and so she reaches with one hand to the back of the head of the girl to hold her in place, with the other around her body to find his balls, to stretch them and to knead them and by that intensify his own feelings in this game of lust.

Treban Faster more demanding of her body. He lifted, he writhed, he pounded her beyond all control. Harder, deeper, more brutal as he would lift and continue to slam her against him. His body was shaking now beyond the limits to control, his release building, the struggle to hold back ebbing as he was lost within this moment. Sure being the Chieftains son he had a reputation, but even he had a limitation at times how much he could do. Verinas hands to find his balls being the final force to break his stuggle. if he was wild before, neither would be prepared for the onslaught to come from him now, with a growl of passion against Verina’s heat, his cock slamming forcefully into Vita , he would somehow mange to growl out , “Cum now Bond, NOW’. And with that demand made he would suddenly moan out against Verina’s heat, his cock exploding in a massive burst deply into the bonds womb. The hot thick seed spilling forth much like a river breaking through a damn. His body lurching, lifting and thrusting up to them in that madening frenzy. Finally after reaching the point of being spent, to collapse there upon the furs with them, his chest rising and falling rapidly with each breath. No words to be spoken for the longest moments, would simply relish the taste and feel of the both of them.

Vita rolls her hips in rapid motions, answering every thrust with desire and lust lighting up her face that else seems completely lost of focus she paid no attention to her surroundings, cept a few brief moments her blurry and pleasure filled eyes would meet Verinas just a brief moment before her head were captured between the two hands, that pulled them together and Vita’s lips parted to meet those of Verina while constant little gasp of joy interfeared their gaze as the tip of her tongue in a rather uncontrolled fashion would search for Verinas, but she trembled visibly as one wave of pleasure followed by the next would rush into her body rapidly, she barely managed to take notice of his words spoken as the waves of her intense climax were filling her blurry eyes and her screams of joy almost meeting Verina’s face directly as her juices of pleasure squirt over his skin almost in sync with his cock being emptied deep within her lustful tunnel that clenches around his shaft in pulsation motions, milking him dry of his seed amd her cervix swallowing all her womb could contain. Vita would remain ontop of him as she’d sink down over him, landing herself over his chest should he allow it, her body trembling still and weak like rag doll as she’d struggle to catch her breath, with her heart just pounding within

Verina feels the licking, the sensations that come from it, yet even enjoying to feel the breath of his spoken command on her wet folds. She feels the two climax soon after, the girl which then sinks out of her hold and onto him, and his through her hand holding his balls straightened, their pulsating spasms. She slides off his face, finally to come to lay aside of him with the girl still on top of him. Briefly only she turns to refill the two goblets with the same wines as before, turns back, sweaty as the others as they lay in the damp air of the alcove room. “That was indeed a much needed encounter after all the fights and loneliness of the lasts moons,” she means, as if not counting the slave girls as valid company, “and surely a warm welcome for our clan chief’s son down here on a pirate island of the south.” She winks to him and offers him his goblet of wine.

Treban Would finally ease his breathing, accepoting the goblet of wine happily. He would turn up and gulp down in one swallow, his eyes to cast over the both of them. Chuckeling a bit finally and would say,” Aye A most enjoyable welcome indeed, tell me will I get the same welcome coming home from after each battle?

Vita would simply glide down his chest as he lifted his body to intake a mouthful of the wine, and Vita would land in the fur rugs next to them, putting herself to rest in a kneeling with wide parted legs besides the two, still slightly trembling and overall weak for the time being as her body were filled with the saticfaction of the use as he had taken as pleased

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